forty eight

304 17 5

I changed chapter 43 a little, please check it out before reading this one <3

I got up the next morning, and moved around lazily, seeing the laptop still placed on my bed infront of us, and Aiden's arms wrapped around me.

I couldn't help but smile, and before I knew it, I was asleep again.

I woke up again about an hour later, seeing that Aiden was awake, and sitting up in my bed. He had his laptop on his lap, and coffee with him.

"Hey," he said smiling, with his groggy morning voice.

I smiled at him, and slowly say up.

I looked past him, and through the window saw the clouds covering the sun. The weather was great.
My eyes trailed onto the cuts on his wrist, and I bit the side of my lip.

He didn't know me. He didn't know what I was like last year, and the fact that I didn't tell him what happened with Asher was the perfect example.

If he did know me, he wouldn't like me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"My dad wanted me to make some brochure or something," he mumbled.

I stared back out the window, feeling a growing discomfort at the out of my stomach.

I rested my head ack, feeling our arms rub and sighed.

"I don't know....I'm not good at this.." I said softly.

"Good at what?"

"Liking someone..." I said, distracted.

He let out a small chuckle, "Me neither, I have no idea what I'm doing," he smiled.

I bit the side of my lip, "Aiden, I don't think you'd like me if you really knew me," I sort of blurted out.


"You don't know what I was like last year, and....I-

"I don't care what you were like Hayley,"

"No I was a really bad person and-

"You don't know what I was like either," he said.

"Yeah but you',"

He chuckled, "I'm not sure what you mean, but thanks...I think,"

I sighed,

"Hayley, I highly doubt you were that bad, and even if you were, it's only made you a better person now. Either ways, being a good person is over rated. I really don't care about the things you've done in your past,"

"It's not like that...I...I don't want to mess things up with you because you deserve to not have someone that messes things up," I said. Was I making sense?

I don't think he gets what I mean.

But damn, I should just stay away from guys, god! I'm already messing things up.

He frowned. "It sucks that you can't see what everyone else can," he said softly.

What. "I just really like you okay! And I'm scared that I'll do something wrong,"

"I really like you too Hayley," Aiden said, taking my palm. "If you want, we can take things really slow. We don't have to label this...whatever it is," he smiled.

I smiled back, and cleared my throat softly.

I rested my head on Aiden's shoulder from beside him, and wrapped my palm around his arm.

I wanted to say sorry. I really did. I wanted apologize for being so dramatic and insecure and high maintenance and clingy, but that would only make things worse.

"There's a meteor shower on the 12th, would you like to go with me," I said softly.

"More than anything," he said, kissing the top of my forehead.

We sort of just sat together huddled up for a while, he was working, and I was sketching, yes, cheesy, I know.

"Hey, did you hear about the internship?" He asked,

Damn I sort of forgot about that with everything going on,

"oh, not yet I think...." I said, opening up their website.
"For publicity or something they're releasing one or two names every day, so I need to keep checking," I said,

"Oh....don't worry, you get it," he smiled, tightening his arm around me reassuringly.

I convinced him to sneak out through the window, which when I initially told him to do, he thought I was kidding. I was not.

Later that day Scarlett got back, and we spent a lot of time together, just the two of us, and it was really great.

"Okay, so when you get your cast off, the immediate next weekend, we're going to go shopping, watch movie, get our nails done, and, get lunch, and its going to be just us, so don't even think about calling the others, and....well that's it...I thought I had something else to say but I dont," Scarlett said,

I chuckled, "yeah yeah for sure I can't wait! Oh and we can get desert at Eddie's," I smiled.

Eddie's, with the amazing cheesecake?? Ring a bell??

She laughed.

She and some of her other friends were going out for dinner, so once she left I headed to the cafeteria as well.

Before anyone reached, Cassidy unfortunately joined me.

"Hey," she smiled, ugh.

"You're into like painting and stuff right?" She asked.

"What do you want." I deadpanned.

"Nothing, I heard you're trying to get an internship?" She asked.

How the fuck- did Aiden? No no no,

"How the fuck do yo-

"I know the person that offered you the internship silly. I was at Mr.Gray's thing yesterday, my dad and him are pretty tight," she smiled, "I left before you got there though, so, didn't get a chnace to tell you how cute your painting was!" She said.

"Again, what do you want?" I asked,

"I used to paint as well, I wondering what kind of like....paints you use, and are you into to digital art, because where can I get those Stylus things? I'm trying to get back into art."

I shoved my last spoon of mashed potato into my mouth, and stood up, "Sorry I need to hurry back, I'll see you later," I smiled, semi-sarcastically, and left.

That night Jacob and I ended up playing some video game of his for a while, not too long after which I fell sleep.


Over the next few days, Cassidy was not really in my way too much, neither was anyone else for that matter.

I was busy with Collage applications and I met my mom a couple times. I spent a lot of time with the group, and very very heavily anticipated my cast coming off, which was now, not too far away!

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