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I opened my eyes groggily feeling wetness around them.
I looked around and the feeling of panic and anxiousness spread across my body, but I remain completely motionless. I parted my lips that were glued together and gulped. My entire body was numb and my neck was locked in its position.

"Heyy, hey, hey" A familiar voice said from beside me, as a warm hand placed itself on my arm comfortingly.

Tears continued to fall off the side of my eyes, but I wasn't really crying.

I turned my head as much as I could, and found a pair of beautiful grey eyes.
Aiden looked into my eyes and gave me a soft small smile.

I opened my mouth a couple times but nothing came out.

He frowned as he looked at me.
He gave me a sad smile and bit his lip.

He was sitting on a chair next to my bed. He took my cold hand in his, making it warm.

"You're gonna be fine Hayley"
He whispered and squeezed my palm.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You don't remember anything?"

The question confused me. I couldn't place anything. I couldnt figure out until what part I did remember. I remember driving, and something happened. I think I saw a truck infront of my car and something crashed into it? But it felt like a dream.

"Can I have water?" I asked feeling the dryness in my throat increasing.

He picked up a glass of water from the table beside the bed and slowly tilted it onto my mouth.

As the water touched my lips I felt a small sense of freshness in my mouth and throat.

"I'll call the nurse alright?" He said.

He walked out of the room and came back moments later. I lay there motionless like a zombie, barely able to feel anything at all.

A doctor entered the room with her hair in a bun and a smile on her face.

"Hey sweetheart, you're gonna be just fine. how do you feel?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know..... what's the time?"


"What day is it?"

I was entirely confused and felt like I was missing something but no one seemed to explain anything to me.

"Listen sweetie, your mom will be here in a couple hours," which district me from my earlier question.

She walked over to me and placed her palm on my forehead checking my temperature.

"Can I sit up?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" she said sand helped me into a half sitting position.

"What happened?" I asked Aiden sleepily. He looked at the doctor and back at me and sighed.

The Doctor walked up to me and
Placed her hand on my back gently.
"Umm, were driving, and your car and met with a tiny little accident." She spoke to me as if I were a child.

I stared at her without saying a word.

"You crashed into a truck, but really, don't worry about it cause everything is fine now " she smiled.

"When was this?" I asked feeling my eyes close as I spoke.

"Listen, I know you're probably scared and confused, but don't worry okay? I'm telling you you'll feel about a hundred times better once you get up tomorrow morning." She said.

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