fifty five

299 19 14

That evening once we freshened up and everything, Aiden was not exactly mad, but he was a little cold.

I saw him walking on the beach, and went over to him.

"Hey," I said softly, and he gave me a small smile.

I stayed quiet for a moment, and looked at the sun which had almost completely set. It sat at the bottom of the horizon, and merged into the sea, like paint with water.

"Aiden we're fine right?" I asked, mumbled rather.

He sighed.  "Yeah...I'm sorry, it's not you. Mason gets to me, and..."

"You know I'd never do anything to hurt you....?" I said softly.

He looked at me and gave me a small smile. "I know."

" do trust me.....right?" I asked, feeling a little insecure.

"More than anything," he said, holding my palm in his, "It's just.....the last time I really trusted someone, it didn't end well," he said softly.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"No, don't be," he said, "If that didn't happen I don't think I'd have found you," he said softly, and I leaned into him.

"Hayley, I love you," he said, and we stopped in our tracks. I felt my heart began to beat out of my chest and my stomach erupted with butterflies.

What the fuck is going on. Why did the words coming out of his mouth make me feel like this.

"Wow- I.........I love you too," I said, and he pressed his lips to mine. His arms slid up to my waist, and as much as I wanted to stay like that, I also wanted to jump around and scream and yell.


"Guys....oh man what the fuck?!" I heard Jake's voice, and the two of us instantly pulled away.

"Jesus fucking christ guys! Oh my god. What? Are you- I mean I sort of knew- but like- Oh my god- If you do anything to- this is weird as fuck. I shouldn't have come here. Alright," He sighed,

"Aiden, if you do anything to hurt Jones, I will personally plan your death, because she deserves the very best. And Hayley, Aiden is the very fucking best, so you better treat him right." He said.

Damn he called me 'Hayley, this must be very serious.

"Yessir," I laughed.

"Man," Jacob sighed. "Alright."

Aiden laughed, and swung his arm over Jacob, and we went back to the others.


"1 word," "English,"

"The first word bull?"

"Beach? Water? Sea? Sand? Sand!"

"Alright, one word, Sand....bull?"

"Sandra Bullock!" Scarlett squealed.

"Blind?"   "Okay?"


It was currently one day before the wedding, and we were now at Aiden's Beach house. The tent was nice, but Scarlett and Levi we're constantly complaining about the cold sleeping bags and whatnot, so we decided to not stay there anymore.

"Okay, I'll go get food?" Aiden said.

"I'll come too," I smiled. I wanted sushi really bad, and there was a sushi place about 10 minutes from here, so I insisted that we get dinner from there.

We headed back into the house from the balcony, and I put on a lose knitted top over my denim shorts and bikini. Aiden put on a shirt as well, and luckily for me left the top few buttons un-done.

We walked out the front door, and towards the sushi place.

"Did you use to come here often?" I asked.

"Not really, not since I was kid and my mom used to come with," he said.

"How come?"

"I don't know actually.....I didn't like have a good time," he said.

I sighed. "It's a great place," I said happily.

"Really is," he agreed.

Thats when it hit me. Everything was going fine again. According to the way my life has been going for the past 18 years, everything is either bad, or too good to be true, and 'everything going good' was inevitably going to come to a carsgubg hault anytime now.

"Something wrong?" Aiden asked.

"Nothing....I just...things are going really good finally. Collage and everything is gonna mess that up.....or something always does,"

He sighed. "I think you should let the good times be good times, and leave it at that,"

"What do you mean?"

"You know you can't not have bad times. What you can do is make sure that you're good times are actually good, and you aren't waiting for something to wrong instead," he said.

"But when you expect things to go's easier to deal with when they do,"

"I know," he sighed. "But don't worry about it. You're happy now, and that's all that matters," he smiled.

I then flinched when a drop of cold water splashed onto my head from above.

"Oh no," I sighed, and right there, it began raining.

Everyone around us, began running under trees and small shops trying to find shelter.

We increased our pace as well, when Aiden took my hand and stopped moving forward.

I looked back at him, and smiled back, "what," I laughed, feeling the water fall onto my head.

"I love you," he said, and places his palms on my face. He took a step closer to me, and pressed his lips to mine,

"I love you," I laughed as the rain only got heavier above us.


"You can't sleep, you need to watch," Aiden said.

We put on his favourite movie, which was apparently the Hunchback of Notre dame, and I told him that I've seen it before, but he still insisted that I watch it again.

"I'm not sleeping," I slurred.




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