Chapter 12

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Amy nervously stood in front of his bedroom door.

'Why am I nervous all of a sudden?' she mentally asked herself.

'Beacause you didn't thank him for the gift he got for you. You feel guilty' her subconscious told her.

She took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in" Bryan said from inside.

Amy opened the door and walked into the room. Bryan was getting dressed for work. He was just wearing his blazer.

"Hi" Amy greeted in a quiet voice.

"Hi, Amy. Do you need anything?" Bryan asked while making sure everything he needed was in his briefcase.

"You didn't come down for breakfast. Aren't you going to eat something before going to work?"

Amy was concerned that he wanted to go to work on an empty stomach.

"I ate out" Bryan simply replied, closing his briefcase, and giving his complete attention to Amy.

"Why?" She worriedly asked, desperately searching his eyes for anything that would give away the fact that he was indeed upset with her.

'Why do you think that way, Amy? He spoke to you earlier today, didn't he?'

Her mind seriously needs to stop messing with her.

"I figured you and Henry would talk over breakfast, so I didn't want to make things awkward with my presence" Bryan explained, bringing Amy back to reality.

"Oh" she exclaimed, feeling embarrassed for ever thinking that he was disappointed at her behavior, when in reality, he was being thoughtful.

"You thought I had left?... Amy, you know even if I had a plane to catch, I won't leave without saying a proper goodbye"

"No, no. That's not it. I just... Forget it. I've been thinking too much, of late"

"If you ever feel the need to talk to someone. I'm right here"

"Thanks, Bryan. Um... Here. I got this for you"

Amy handed over the small shopping bag she was previously holding to Bryan.

"Hmm. Let me guess... This is your way of saying thank you" Bryan said while staring at the Prada water proof wrist watch Amy bought for him.

 This is your way of saying thank you" Bryan said while staring at the Prada water proof wrist watch Amy bought for him

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"About that..."

Amy nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I'm really sorry for my rude behavior. I know I should've called, or preferably sent a 'thank you' text, but I didn't. I was just really-"

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I understand.. I was there" he interrupted her in a calm voice when he sensed her nervousness.

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