Chapter 57

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Amy got back from jogging on a Monday morning, and was just about to go into the mansion when she received a call from her best friend. Mandy sounded worried.

"Have you been able to reach Kyle?" Her best friend immediately asked, skipping their usual pleasantries.

"No" Amy sadly replied.

"I just finished speaking to my mom on the phone-"

"How is he? How is Kyle?" She cut Mandy off mid way, anxious to know how Kyle was doing.

"Amy. Kyle is leaving the state... He's moving out of the house as I speak to you"


"I'm telling you this so you two can try to work things out, and maybe, you can stop him from leaving... I wish I was there to stop him myself"

Everything Mandy just said wasn't heard by her best friend, as Amy zoned out the minute Mandy said Kyle was moving out.  The only thing going through her mind was 'this was her fault'. She hung up without saying goodbye and ran towards her dad's Cadillac escalade he was supposed to take to work. She climbed into the car without bothering to change from her Nike sporting outfit, and drove out of the compound.

  When Amy arrived at Mandy's place, it was like her best friend said. Kyle was indeed moving out of his parents house. There was a small white truck outside the mansion, where a man was moving what Amy suspects to be Kyle's suitcase. She immediately got out of the car and just as she was about running into the mansion, Kyle was coming out with a suitcase in his hand. He looked like he lost some pounds over the last two weeks, making Amy feel terrible.

Kyle stopped in his tracks the moment he saw Amy. Their eyes met for almost a minute before Kyle looked away. Amy slowly walked towards him as he remained on the same spot.

"Kyle, what is going on?" She asked when she got to him.

"I'm moving to Texas" Kyle drily replied.

"Why? Your family wants you here" she got no response from him, so she asked

"Does this have anything to do with me?"

"What do you think?" He questioned back and walked past Amy, but she stopped him just in time.

"Please, don't leave" she pleaded.

"Why, Amy? Give me one reason why I shouldn't leave"

Amy had no answer to Kyle's question. She lowered her head, feeling ashamed for not being able to give Kyle the one thing he desired.

When Amy didn't say anything, Kyle started walking towards the truck. He put the suitcase he was carrying inside the truck and was about to turn around, when he felt two arms around his torso. Amy was hugging him from behind and from the way she was shaking, he could tell she was crying. He immediately felt bad for her, but there was nothing he could do about it. He has to leave, so that the pleasant memories he has of their friendship won't be ruined.

"I don't want you to leave, Kyle. I don't want to lose this friendship" Amy mumbled against his back.

"That's the problem, Amy. I don't want to be just your friend"

Kyle removed Amy's arms from his torso. He didn't want to continue this conversation. It would only get him frustrated if they did.

"I don't see any reason why I should be here if I can't be with you"

"We can think of something"

"No, we can't Amy!" Kyle yelled for the first time, startling Amy. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell" he immediately apologized for frightening her.

"The only reason I continued to remain in my parents house, unlike every other guy my age, was because of the beautiful sound of your laughter, your captivating eyes, your breathtaking smile. I could give you a long list... I stayed because of you, Amy"

Amy's tears freely poured down her face, even as Kyle was wiping them with his thumb.

"Let's not complicate things, okay?" He continued, pulling her to himself for a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry" she sobbed into the hug.

"No matter what happens, I want you to know that I'll always love you" Kyle concluded, staring into Amy's sad eyes. He kept gazing from her eyes to her lips, feeling the urge to kiss her.

Amy's heart began to race as Kyle's face inched closer to hers. In all honesty, Amy wouldn't mind if Kyle kissed her, as all thoughts of Bryan getting angry at her vanished. At this point, all that matters to her is the very good friend she is letting to slip away. She closed her eyes as Kyle tilted his head, waiting for his kiss but it never came. Instead, she felt his cool lips on her forehead.

"Goodbye, Amy" Kyle's husky voice whispered as he let go of Amy, making his way towards his car, leaving a dazed Amy all by herself.

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