Chapter 93

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"How could you?!" Sean roared, interrupting Bryan and Henry's discussion. He was jogging down the stairs with Amy following closely behind.

The best friends stared at their children with clear confusion written all over their face.

Why is Sean so angry and why is Amy chasing after him?

"How could you do this to me, your own son?!" Sean yelled in anger, pointing at his father.

"What are you talking about?" Bryan asked in confusion, standing up from his seat.

"Sean, I beg you, please don't say anything" Amy pleaded once again.

"Amy, what is this about?" It was now Henry's turn to ask his daughter what was going on, because the sudden change of emotions in the atmosphere was deeply alarming.

"You are supposed to be my father. You are supposed to have my back, to support me. But what do you do? You betray me and everyone around you!"

"Okay, okay. Sean, will you please calm down and tell me where all of this is coming from?"

Henry placed his hand on Sean's chest to stop him from taking angry steps towards his father. He has never seen Sean this angry.

"I regret coming back here and I hate the fact that you're my father!"

"That's enough, Sean! I will not stand here and watch you disrespect your father this way!" Henry yelled, slapping Sean hard across the face.

If that was the only way he would get Sean to return to his senses, he'd do it over and over again.

Bryan, on the other hand was flabbergasted by everything his son said that he couldn't find it in him to react. He glanced at Amy and noticed there was fear in her eyes. He then understood what this was all about.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Henry asked in frustration as none of this made any sense to him.

"Why don't you ask your best friend" Sean replied, the anger not leaving his eyes.

Henry furrowed his eyebrows at Sean's statement. Why would his best friend, who was seated with him in the living room know what happened between their kids in the bedroom?

Henry didn't notice that Sean was no longer in front of him, until he came out of his thoughts. He looked around the living room and saw Sean angrily making his way to the front door.

"Stop right there, Sean" Henry called just as Sean was about to reach for the door knob.

"I want to know why you disrespected your father"

Sean closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh before turning around.

Amy's heart was jumping in her chest as she mentally prayed that Sean doesn't say anything.

"My father is the reason you almost lost your daughter"

Sean stormed out of the house after that.

At the moment, he could care less what happens in his absence.

Sean's words rang several times in Henry's ears as he tried to process it. Suddenly, it dawned on him what Sean said before leaving.

"What?!" He yelled in indignation.

"How long have you two been seeing each other?" He questioned his daughter.

Amy felt so small as compared to her father, who was currently fuming with rage.

"D- dad, I- I-" she stuttered, taking careful steps away from her dad.

"I'm not going to repeat myself, Amy" he said, grabbing her by the wrist.

Amy began to sob the moment her dad got a hold of her.

"Henry, please let her go. She isn't to blame for anything" Bryan interjected.

"Shut up!" Henry shouted, sending a death glare Bryan's way.

He didn't want to hear Bryan's voice at this point. The fact that his best friend wasn't denying the accusation leveled against him by his own son infuriated him, but he wanted to hear what his daughter had to say regarding the issue before he takes any further action.

"Answer me, God damnit!" He yelled, shaking his daughter, who was obviously trembling before him.

"T- th- Three years" Amy timidly replied, shrinking away from her dad as he let go of her hand.

For three years, his daughter and best friend has been dating behind his back. They made a fool of him for three bloody years. His own daughter was even willing to take this secret to her grave.

Henry turned to his best friend and punched him on the nose, sending Bryan to the ground. His body came in contact with a large vase some distance away from the couch before reaching the ground, shattering it to pieces. Henry didn't waste any time in throwing punches and kicks on his best friend, as he lay on the floor.

"To think I would've lost my daughter because of you!" He angrily said, settling his weight on Bryan to continue his assault.

Amy didn't like what she was seeing. Her dad was red with anger and was turning Bryan into his punching bag, not caring whether or not he was still breathing.

"Dad, please stop!" She cried, trying to stop her dad from being guilty of murder.

"Dad, please" she sobbed, feeling light headed from the gruesome scene in front of her.

Bryan's face was covered in blood and he was barely breathing, making Amy's heart ache.

Why wasn't he doing anything to stop her dad?

Why does it look like he isn't breathing anymore? She wondered, suddenly becoming alarmed.

She can't lose Bryan. She'll die if something bad happens to the love of her life. She needs to stop her dad from making a grave mistake.

Henry, who was screaming curse words at his best friend while throwing him endless punches didn't give a damn if he becomes a murderer. Barely two weeks ago, he almost lost his only child because of him and he claims to be his best friend. He wanted him to feel the same pain his daughter felt while she was in the hospital and the pain his betrayal brings.

The sound of glass shattering got Henry's attention and he immediately turned towards the direction of the sound. His eyes went wide with surprise and fright when he saw his daughter pointing a broken glass to her healing wrist.

"Don't make me do this, dad" Amy said in tears, pressing the broken glass against her skin.

"Princess, drop that" Henry carefully said, gesturing with his hand for Amy to place that deadly object on the floor.

"Don't hurt him anymore, please" she pleaded.

"My angel, let's talk about this when you drop that, okay?" Henry moved carefully towards his daughter, Bryan's unconscious body long forgotten.

"As long as you promise me you won't hit him anymore" Amy replied, backing away from her dad.

She couldn't recognize her dad anymore. Some moments ago, he seemed like a total stranger and not her doting father.

"I won't, princess. Look.. I've moved away from him... Now, please slowly hand that over"

Before Henry could reach for the glass, Amy ran out of the mansion.

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