Chapter 55

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  Amy was snuggled against Bryan's chest as they watched a movie in his TV room. After they had dinner, Amy wanted to spend more time with Bryan since they haven't done that in a while, so she suggested that they watch a movie together, which Bryan didn't object to. They've both had a rough day, so they deserve some alone time.

Amy smiled contently, as the addictive smell of Bryan's cologne invaded all her senses. Gosh! She has missed this. Her fingers began to trace patterns on Bryan's shirt and by the time Amy became aware of what her fingers were doing, they had already crept under his shirt, caressing his smooth firm skin. Her entire body tingled from how hard his stomach felt against her fingers. She felt like what she was doing was forbidden, but she couldn't stop herself.

She stole a glance at Bryan from under her brows, to see if he took notice of what she was doing but he seemed unfazed by her action, so she took a daring step by taking her fingers lower.

"Amy.." Bryan swallowed hard, as Amy's fingers slid even lower.

Her action was a message to Bryan. She yearned for more of him, not just smooching and she could tell he wanted the same thing. He leaned down, his lips lightly brushed against hers. That single contact sent shivers through her nerves, it made her whole body tremble.

Amy couldn't control the flutter in her heart, as she stared into his eyes, breathless and deep down, unprepared for this moment. Just as his soft lips delicately touched hers, her ringtone interrupted them. It was her dad calling.

"Hello, dad" Amy untangled herself from Bryan's arms.

"Hey, honey. Where are you? It's getting late" her dad sounded a bit worried and she couldn't help but wonder why.

"I'm having some time to myself, dad"

"Does this have anything to do with your mom?"

"Who told you that?" Amy asked in alarm. What does her dad know about that?

"Amy, Paula came to the house looking for you" her dad replied.

If Amy wasn't anxious before, she was now. What was her mom thinking, going over to her dad's place?

"What did she say to you? What did she tell you?" There was nervousness evident in Amy's voice, this made Bryan to look at her with concern.

"Calm down, princess. She only said you two had an argument, but she looked worried... I think you should try to reach her" her dad explained.

"I don't wanna talk to her, dad"

"What happened, my love? What did she do?" Henry sounded like he was about to leap to her defence.

She doesn't need that right now. She doesn't want her parents getting into a fight because of her. She can't risk getting caught by her dad.

"It's nothing. I'd rather not talk about it" Amy quickly brushed aside the conversation, so her dad doesn't think about talking to her mom regarding their argument.

"If that's what you want, honey... Please, don't stay out too late"

"I won't, dad. Thanks"

"Bye, my angel"

"Bye" she let out a tired sigh after the call.

Being alone with Bryan helped her forget about her argument with her mom, but her dad's call has reminded her about it. She felt an arm around her shoulder, it was Bryan.

"Hey. Are you okay?" His soothing voice asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine" she lied, but Bryan could clearly see through her lie. She was still sad about the incident with Paula.

"I should get going" she then sighed, turning to face Bryan.

"I wanted to spend the night with you, but dad wants me home" her innocent eyes stared lovingly at Bryan's strong handsome features.

"Go home, then... I'll think of something" Bryan replied with a smile.

Amy gently touched the corner of his eyes, enjoying the way they crinkle when he smiles. What she didn't expect was for Bryan to crush his lips on hers, uncontrolled, cupping her face with his hands. Amy was dazed by his sudden action, but she didn't let that stop her from reciprocating the kiss. The taste of his after meal, yet minty breath made it impossible for her to think.

As Bryan deepened the kiss, parting her lips, she gave up trying to think. Her hand was limp on his chest, as the kiss made her lightheaded. Bryan was in control at the moment and she didn't have a problem letting him do whatever he wanted with her.

The kiss soon slowed down, turning soft and tender, like he wanted to stop, but didn't want to at the same time.

"Goodnight" Bryan then murmured against her swollen lips when he ended the kiss.

"I love you" Amy whispered in return, with her eyes still closed.

This is their first kiss in like forever and it was worth it.

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