Chapter 95

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A knock on Henry's study door tore his attention away from his laptop. Ever since Amy's suicide incident, Henry has been working from home. He couldn't risk anything happening to his daughter again.

"Come in" he said with a stern voice.

In came one of the newly employed bodyguards.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but I'm here to give you a report" The blonde buff bodyguard said.

"And what is that?" Henry asked

"There's a man outside who insists on seeing you"

Henry didn't need to ask who it was. He slammed his laptop shut and took long strides out of his study.

Amy was staring out her bedroom window, like she was expecting someone. She has been doing that for the past two weeks, hoping to see the man she loves drive through that gate. As if her prayers were heard, she noticed Bryan's black Lamborghini driving into the compound. She began smiling to herself, as tears of joy blurred her vision. She wiped her eyes and ran out of the bedroom.

"What the hell are you doing here?! I thought I made it clear to you, that I don't want you anywhere near my family?!"

Amy heard her dad's angry voice just as she reached the foot of the stairs.

"I want us to talk" Bryan's husky voice said in response.

"Get out of my house, you bastard-"


Amy quickly came to Bryan's rescue, as Henry was about throwing him a punch.

Henry and Bryan were both startled by Amy's voice. They turned towards the direction of her voice, and it was as if time stopped for Amy. She was staring directly at the love of her life, and he was staring back. He had several cuts on his face, and looked like he hasn't had a proper sleep in years. Although he still looks fit, he has lost some weight. His eyes still held fondness in them as he stared at her, making her feel guilty for being the reason behind his poor health condition.

"Amy, go to your room" Henry's authoritative voice brought Amy out of her trance.

"But, dad-"

"To your room, now!"

She hesitantly took backward steps, not failing to give Bryan one last glance before turning around and making her way upstairs.

"What do you want?" Henry irritatedly asked his former best friend, just as Bryan was closing the door to his study.

Bryan didn't care about his current financial situation. He didn't care that his best friend slandered his reputation by accusing him of corrupt practices, so that he could acquire a higher percentage of the shares in the Tech company they both own, just to kick him out of the company. He didn't give a damn that this was badly affecting his other companies, as he was losing some key shareholders and investors, and his current board of directors were thinking of a way to relieve him of his CEO position. All he wanted his best friend and the woman he loves. He wants his happiness back.

"I came here so we could talk"

"I already said all I had to say to you"

"I admit I was wrong. I should have told you everything when I had the chance. I'm sorry"

"Sorry? Did you just say sorry?... You slept with my daughter for three years behind my back, and you say sorry like you did nothing wrong... She was my daughter, Bryan!" Henry replied through gritted teeth, yelling at the last part.

Bryan was filled with guilt. He was willing to take whatever beating his best friend will bring his way, as long as he will gain his forgiveness in the end.

"Henry, you can think the worse of me, I'll take it, but I can't change the fact that I'm in love with Amy" Bryan finally found the courage to admit this to his best friend.

"Shut up you sick bastard!" Henry yelled, violently throwing his laptop at Bryan, who instinctively ducked his head, to avoid being hit by the object.

"She was supposed to be like a daughter to you for Christ's sake!"

"I'm sorry I let you down" Bryan sincerely apologized, feeling sorry for his best friend, whom he hurt so badly.

"God! I can't believe I trusted you with my daughter!" Henry cried out in frustration.

"I wanted to tell you the truth, I swear. But, when I think of how you'd react, I hold myself back... You are her father and you deserve the right to know, but then again. You are my best friend"

"How do you expect me to react, huh? Tell me... How the hell do you expect me to react to such a sickening piece of information!"

Henry was holding back himself from hitting Bryan senseless because he was scared of what his daughter would do if she found out.

"I have never loved any woman the way I love Amy!"

"My daughter will never be any man's second choice" Henry firmly stated, pointing a warning finger at Bryan.

"You and I both know that I never loved Monica... I only did what I had to because of my son"

"Get out of my house before I kill you with my own bare hands"


"Get out!"

"I sincerely hope you can forgive me some day"

That was the last thing Bryan said before walking out of the study.

As soon as the door closed, Henry slumped down in his chair, covering his face with his hands. 'What has his life come to?'


Bryan was at the balcony in his mansion, looking at the night sky when he felt a presence beside him. He stole a sideway glance, and noticed his son, Sean leaning on the balcony.

"I'll be leaving for New Jersey tomorrow" Sean suddenly said, breaking the silence.

Bryan nodded, to show that he was listening, and they fell into another awkward silence.

"I'm sorry" Sean then said, glancing at his father.

This time, Bryan turned to look at his son, who has been avoiding him ever since he learnt of his relationship with Amy.

"I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I said the other day... I only said those things in a fit of rage. I didn't mean any of it" Sean repeated, explaining the reason for his action.

He felt touched and guilty when he saw his dad in the hospital later that day. His entire face was covered in bandage and so was his torso, and he was unconscious for two days. He knew that was Henry's doing, but he couldn't do anything about it since it was his fault his father got beaten to a pulp. If he had shut his mouth that day, his dad wouldn't have to go through such pain, and his reputation would still be intact.

"I forgave you the very minute those words came out of your mouth" Bryan quietly replied, surprising his son.

"I understood you were angry because you felt betrayed, and I'm sorry for making you feel that way"

Sean couldn't contain his emotions as he engulfed his dad in a tight hug.

"Forgive me, son" Bryan said while patting his back affectionately.

"I forgive you. But, I would like to know one thing..." Sean said, pulling away from the hug.

"How did you make Amy fall madly in love with you?"

Bryan used a minute to think of an answer to his son's question, but he couldn't find any, because it was also a question he asks himself whenever he was alone.

"I honestly have no idea".

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