Chapter 81

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After their love making session, they didn't bother getting dressed as they both lay on the bed, enjoying each other's company.

Amy was listening to Bryan's heartbeat while tracing imaginary patterns on his chest. Every urge she felt earlier had vanished because Bryan satisfied her every desire.

"Bryan?" She quietly called, breaking the comfortable silence.


"I think dad is dead serious about the engagement. He isn't changing his mind no matter how hard I try... What are you going to do about it, because I don't want to be forced to go through with the wedding" she placed her chin on Bryan's chest, gazing at his handsome face.

Bryan, who was enjoying the comfortable silence because it helped take his mind off things was suddenly brought back to reality by Amy's question. He took a deep breath and replied

"I don't know" before carefully removing her weight from his body, so he could sit up.

"You don't know? Is that what you're saying?" Amy asked in disbelief.

He could hear the irritation in her voice and he knew immediately that things were going to go downhill.

"I can't believe this... You've been saying the same thing for the past three years, Bryan. What the hell is wrong with you?" She continued, giving in to her anger.

"We're not doing this right now" Bryan quietly said, picking up his underpants on the floor and putting it back on.

"We are doing this, Bryan. We're so doing this... I've been with you for almost three years now. I've been your secret, Bryan. Your secret lover!" She yelled.

Thank goodness they were the only ones in the building, Bryan thought to himself while wearing his suit pants.

"I've been patient and understanding, but you don't recognize it, that's why everytime I bring up the topic of us coming out with our relationship, you always shove it off"

"Now is not the right time"

"When is, huh? When is the right time? Is it when I and Sean are married?... I want to be with you every hour of everyday, Bryan. I want to tell the whole world the man I'm in love with, but you, you don't seem to care at all" she said in tears.

Amy will never understand the mental and emotional torture he is going through. He wants the same thing so bad, but even in his dreams, he doesn't see Henry accepting it. So what will be the point, if he eventually tells Henry the truth and he decides to separate them for life? Even without knowing about their relationship, he already has plans for her future. Henry would certainly kill him if he finds out about their relationship.

Amy felt stupid when Bryan remained silent. He didn't even assure her of his feelings like he usually does. It was like she has lost him completely, but how? She was racking her brains for answers, then she eventually found one.

"I get it. I get it now... You're doing this because of your son, or should I say because of her"

"What are you talking about?" Bryan confusedly asked. He had no idea who Amy was referring to.


Amy was yelling on top of her voice, buy she didn't care. She needed to let out all her anger and frustration. It's a surprise she hasn't been admitted in a mental institution because she was slowly losing her mind.

"I will not let you disrespect Monica in such manner" he warned through gritted teeth, trying his hardest not to lash out at Amy.

Never has he thought of her as a rebound, so where did she get that from?

"I was right all along. You're scared of what Sean would say when he finds out. You're scared of losing your son a second time, so you want to keep a perfect daddy image"

"THAT'S ENOUGH AMY! I WILL NOT TOLERATE ONE MORE WORD FROM YOU!" Bryan yelled, his face red with anger.

Amy flinched in fear at Bryan's outburst. His anger this time was different from any other she had seen, and it scared her to her bones. Through her tear filled eyes, she noticed him walking towards the door.

Is he leaving her here alone?

She hurriedly wrapped the sheets around her body and ran to him, hugging him from behind before he could open the door.

"Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of the things I said. Forgive me, babe" she sobbed, regretting all her words.

She should never have brought Monica into this. She let her jealousy get the best of her.

Bryan on the other hand, wasn't planning to leave her behind, he only wanted to get a drink in his office, to help calm his nerves.

"I love you too much, Bryan. I don't want to be with anyone else. I'll die if I lose you" she continued, meaning every word she said.

"Please don't leave me"

Bryan untangled her hand from his torso and turned around to face her. Her sad and desperate eyes made him regret ever putting her through this sort of pain. He shouldn't have confessed his feelings for her from the very beginning, that way she wouldn't be going through this unfortunate journey.

"I'll think of something" he then said, placing a long kiss on her forehead.

Amy nodded with eagerness, hugging Bryan so tight, like he would leave her the moment she let go.

Things will get better with time, she mentally told herself, hoping for the best from this summer break.

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