Chapter 58

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  A week had passed since Kyle left San Jose. Amy refused to leave her bedroom, making her dad worried. Because of Amy's current state, Henry didn't go to the office, he stayed at home so he could personally watch over his daughter, who has refused to tell him what really happened between her and her best friend. He didn't want to pressure her into talking if she didn't feel like it. The only thing he could do was to get her to eat, which wasn't an easy task. He had to practically feed her before something could pass down her throat. Henry was scared that his daughter would fall sick. He decided to call his ex wife, Paula, to see if could be of any help.

Paula came to the house as fast as she could after receiving Henry's call. She tried to talk to her daughter, but Amy wouldn't say a word to her mother because she was still mad at her. Although Paula didn't approve of the relationship between Amy and Bryan, she had no choice but to call Bryan. He was her last resort.

  Bryan just got back from the office when he received a call from Paula, to his surprise. She sounded worried as she asked him to come over to Henry's house. He asked her to calm down and explain to him what was going on. Paula then went ahead and told him about Amy's present condition. How she has refused to eat, to talk to anyone or even leave her bedroom.

Bryan was shocked to hear that. He thought they had gone past this issue? He thought giving Amy some time to herself would help her feel better? He guess he was wrong.

Bryan, at the moment didn't know what to think. Could it be that Amy also has feelings for Kyle? Or is she suddenly having doubts about their relationship? He really doesn't know how he would be of help in a situation like this. His girlfriend is in a depressed state because of another man and if he doesn't do something about it, he could practically lose her to her depression.

"At this point, you're the only one she'll listen to" Paula's voice made Bryan realize that he was still on a phone call. He sincerely hoped that would be the case.

"I just got home. I'll quickly get changed and be there as soon as I can" he replied before hanging up.

Bryan arrived at Henry's place after about half an hour. When he walked into the living room, he found Paula in tears.

"Paula" he called her name to get her attention.

"Bryan. Thank goodness you're here. I really don't know what's going on. She won't say anything"

"Calm down, calm down" he said in a soothing voice.

"Where is Henry?"

"He's in her bedroom, trying to get her to eat her dinner... I came downstairs so I could call you"

"Okay. I'll go check on her"

"Did you two get into a fight?" Paula suddenly asked as she came to the realization of what Henry told her. Henry knows nothing about her relationship with Bryan, so Amy could've made up any story for her father.

"Paula, this is not the right place to talk about that" Bryan replied because Henry could walk in on their conversation any moment.

"I just want to know why my baby is like that, is that too much to ask?!" Paula was already raising her voice. She was frustrated at the fact that she couldn't do anything to make her daughter feel better.

"I have nothing to do with what's going on" he stated.

"Does that mean she really had a fight with Mandy?"

"Paula, only Amy can explain this better"

"You don't get it, do you? My daughter won't even look at me... I feel terrible for what I did. I honestly do, but she doesn't want to give me a chance to apologize"

"I'll make her talk to you before I leave"

Paula stopped crying as soon as she heard Bryan's statement.

"You'll do that for me?" She asked in surprise.

"Of course. You're her mother and you only wanted what was best for her... Besides, Amy misses you a lot"

"Thank you, Bryan"

"I'll go check on her now" Paula nodded and gestured for him to hurry.

Bryan immediately made his way upstairs. On reaching Amy's bedroom, Bryan knocked on the door twice before opening it. He saw Amy curled up like a ball on her bed, she had her back to Henry, who was still on the bed, covering his face with his hands. Bryan carefully walked towards his best friend and touched his shoulder.

Henry was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He forced a smile the moment he saw his best friend. Bryan gestured for them to go outside, so they wouldn't disturb Amy. Henry nodded and gave his daughter one last look before following Bryan.

"Why didn't you tell me that she still hasn't improved?" Bryan asked the minute henry closed Amy's bedroom door.

"I didn't want to bother you" Henry replied.

"When have you ever been a bother?"

"To be honest with you.. I thought I could handle it on my own, but I was wrong. Nothing I say or do works... It hurts me to see my princess in this condition"

"I understand... Can I have some time alone with her?"

Henry sighed and replied

"I just hope you can work your magic this time" He gave Bryan a good luck tap on the shoulder before heading downstairs.

Taking a deep breath, Bryan opened the door to Amy's bedroom once again. He walked towards her bed and stopped when he was standing in front of her.

Amy lifted her teary eyes to have a better view of the person before her. She instantly jumped out of bed and engulfed Bryan in a hug.

"He left, Bryan. He left and it's all my fault!" She sobbed, gripping his shirt like her life depended on it.

'This is so complicated' Bryan thought to himself, as he wrapped his arms around Amy's small frame.

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