Chapter 14

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Amy and her best friend showered after breakfast. Mandy suggested that they needed to go shopping, to buy some new clothes for the party. So, they went shopping, not only for new clothes, but also shoes because, Mandy wanted them to wear matching outfits. After shopping, they went to a restaurant to eat lunch before going to a beauty salon to get their hair, nails and makeup done. By the time they returned to the mansion, it was already dark. Instead of having dinner, they grabbed a quick snack. While Mandy was getting dressed, Amy decided to give her dad a call like she had promised.

"Hello, dad"

"Hello, my beautiful princess. How are you?" Her dad's happy voice replied.

"I'm fine, dad. How's Spain?"

"Spain's okay. Just been busy, couldn't find the time to go outside my office"

"Aww. Poor Daddy" she cooed

"I waited for your call in the morning, until noon. I'm glad you called in the end, even though it took so long... You almost got me worried" Henry confessed.

"Forgive me, dad. The thing is... I invited Mandy for a sleepover, and we were having some girl time. I totally forgot the promise I made"

"It's okay, love. At least you had company"

"Yeah. We had fun"

"Hope you girls didn't do anything mischievous?" Henry asked in a knowing manner.

"Besides giving the maids some extra work in the kitchen, we're good"

Her dad chuckled at her reply.

"If you say so, princess, but please, don't do anything rash" Henry said in a more serious tone.

"I won't, dad" Amy replied in a quiet voice, feeling guilty for what she was about to do.

She knew her dad would never agree to her going to a party, that's why she kept that part away from him.

"Well, I guess I don't have to worry too much since you're with your best friend" Henry said in conclusion, making Amy all the more guilty.

"I love you, dad"

"I love you too, princess. Bye"

Amy began to have second thoughts about going to the party the moment she hung up. What if going to the party was a rash decision? She thought to herself. But, if she doesn't go to this one, when would she have the courage to go to another party? Besides, this would be like a farewell gift to her best friend who would be leaving for college soon.

"Amy. Jack just called. He's wondering what's taking us so long" Mandy's voice interrupted her thoughts.

She quickly went upstairs to her bedroom to get changed. She re-touched her makeup and wore her perfume.

"I hope I don't regret this" she mumbled to herself as she stood in front of the mirror.

Once she was satisfied with her looks, she headed downstairs.

   Mandy gave one of the maids her phone, to take pictures of them. She couldn't stop gushing over how identical they looked in their outfit. They both wore a sleeveless velvet mini dress. Mandy's was pink, while Amy's was blue.

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