Chapter 89

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"Why in God's name did you tell her about the pregnancy?!" Paula yelled in anger.

"How was I supposed to know that she had no clue she was pregnant?!" Henry yelled back. It wasn't his intention to yell at his ex-wife, but he couldn't help it.

His daughter is currently being attended to by the doctors because she went into a state of shock after hearing that she was pregnant, and it's all his fault. He shouldn't have mentioned anything concerning the pregnancy, but how was he supposed to know that she'd react the way she did? He was only trying to be a supportive and understanding father, now look where it has gotten him.

Mandy who was excited to come see her best friend didn't expect to hear that Amy had gone into a state of shock. Why does her best friend have to go through all these painful and traumatic experience, all in the name of love?

Why couldn't her relationship be a less complicated one?

What has Amy done to deserve so much suffering? Why her?

It could've been anyone but her best friend.

With all these thoughts, Mandy broke down in tears, causing Amy's parents to become aware of her presence.

Paula glared at Henry one last time before rushing to Mandy's side. She hugged Mandy while whispering soothing words to get her to stop crying.

"Don't pay any attention to whatever you heard, okay? Amy is going to be fine"

Paula's words made Mandy cry harder, because all that has been happening still seems like a dream to her. They never imagined that their vacation would take this turn. Never did she in a million years imagine Bryan breaking up with Amy. They were perfect together. He made her best friend so happy, that at some point she wished she had a boyfriend like him.

"Why did he do it, Paula?" She mumbled against Paula's chest, seeking an answer from anywhere as she still found it difficult to understand how everything suddenly took a different turn without any hints or warning signs.

"Mandy, this isn't the right place to talk about that" Paula whispered in reply, stealing a glance at Henry just to be certain that he wasn't paying any attention to them.

Luckily, Henry's attention was fixed on the door to Amy's hospital room.

"I don't understand, Paula. I don't understand any of this!" Mandy exclaimed in frustration, pulling away from the hug.

"Calm down, Mandy" Paula tried to pacify an angry Mandy, so they wouldn't attract Henry's attention.

They have both come this far in keeping Amy's secret, they don't have to back out now and make matters worse.

"Why did he lead her on when in reality he knows he doesn't feel that way?" She angrily asked, still finding it hard to accept this reality.

Mandy's voice caught Henry's attention. He quickly realized that she was talking about Amy's supposed ex boyfriend and was about approaching her, determined to get the identity of the scumbag, who caused all of this, not caring about whatever promise her and Amy had made when the door to Amy's hospital room opened, attracting their attention.

They all instantly forgot whatever was on their minds and anxiously waited for the doctor to say something. To their relief, the doctor assigned to Amy said that she was in a stable condition, but as against their earlier decision to discharge her in two days, she'll have to be in the hospital for a whole week, for proper observation.

Henry didn't object to this, he rather thanked the doctors and told them that they could take as much time as they wanted, as long as his daughter is properly treated.

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