twenty nine

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A COUPLE OF days ago after a sad goodbye to all her new friends made in New York and a especially hard goodbye with Henry, Evie boarded a plane back home to Seattle. Leaving New York after some of the most enjoyable three weeks of her life was not easy. Her and Henry grew so close and she has promised to go visit him in San Francisco at some point.

As soon as the plane landed on Washington soil, Evie finally sighed a breath of relief. As much as she enjoyed every minute of her time in New York, she felt an insistent anxiety deep inside over the knowledge she's been away from her Dad in a rather difficult time. They spoke every couple of days on the phone and he assured her he was doing fine, but he's been known to put up a brave front. She knew it mustn't have been as fine as her Dad was making it out to be since Oliver has temporarily moved back to Olympia to help run the shop. Both Ollie and Mia were sparse with details, Evie knows this is because they didn't want anything to ruin her internship, but she was still worried sick the whole time she was there.

Arriving back at home on the 8th, Dave was there to pick Evie up from the airport and their reunion was something she didn't realise would make her emotional. She got teary as soon as she was in his arms again. Dave and Evie made their way straight to Olympia so Evie could see her family. John Kelly was still jovial, despite sounding like he had a bunch of rocks in his throat. The doctors have advised that he begins chemotherapy next month and while this is scary, it's good he will be getting the medical treatment that he needs. Evie was just happy to see him still joking and loving as much as ever. That night her and Dave had dinner and spent the night in her childhood home which Evie felt was much needed after the most surreal few weeks of her life.

Today, Evie wakes up in the arms of Dave back at their place. It's a special day today, the day of Nirvana's first single release for the upcoming album. They're releasing Smells Like Teen Spirit, arguably the most popular song of their new bunch that they've been playing live. It's the song Butch Vig and most other people at DGC pushed forward to be the single.

Dave stirs awake as Evie hops out of bed and moves around their room to grab some clothes as she gets ready to head in for her shift at the shop, something she has missed in her time away.

"What time is it?" Dave asks.

"7:30," Evie murmurs.

"Get back in bed, I'm not ready to wake up yet," he grovels.

"Well you don't have to wake up yet, but I do," Evie scoffs at Dave's tired demand.

"Just come back here, I've only got a week and a half of being physically with you, I'm trying to make the most of it," Dave says, sitting up now in a much more awake state.

"Fine," Evie sighs, not able to debate him on that. Him saying the words is already making her miss being able to touch him.

She crawls back into bed, moving so she can be the little spoon. Dave clearly has ulterior motives with the way he moves and begins sensually places kisses along Evie's jaw and down her neck.

"Oh so this is why you wanted me back in bed," Evie smiles and Dave hums into her neck.

She turns to connect their lips as Dave's shifts so he is hovering over her. She realises she could easily get caught up in the moment, but she needs to get ready for work and part of her wants to make Dave wait. So reluctantly, she pulls herself away.

"I have to get ready," she says.

"You don't love me anymore," Dave sighs while wearing a smirk on his face knowing the falsity of his statement.

THE RECORD SHOP ⋆ 𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝗵𝗹Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz