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THE MUCH anticipated New Year's Eve finally rolls around. Dave and Evie surprisingly hadn't made time to see each other over the last few days, so Evie is very much looking forward to seeing him again. She is also just so excited about the prospect of Ruby and Josh getting together, it's going to be perfect.

Dave calls her in the morning to offer a ride to Josh's house which she takes him up on. Normally her and Ruby would go to Josh's earlier to hang out, but she thinks today Ruby should go by herself.

Evie is in her room, playing her guitar when there's a knock at her door. Obviously not Mia, she thinks.

"Come in dad," Evie tells him through the door.

"Surprise," the door swings revealing someone who is not John.

"Ollie! What are you doing here?" She leaps up from her floor, pulling her brother into a hug of complete surprise.

"I'm here for New Years, Josh called and told me to come down and I thought, why not?" Oliver explains and Evie reminds herself to thank Josh later.

"God, I love that kid," Evie tells her brother.

"He's a good one," Oliver agrees.

"So, will I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" Oliver questions.

Boyfriend. That sounds nice, but it's not true yet.

Evie laughs, "Dave's not my boyfriend. And how'd you know about him?"

"Nick told me about how he interrupted you guys," Oliver says, laughing at how visibly embarrassed Evie is getting. That's something he knows about her, she wears every emotion on her face.

"Oh god," Evie mumbles, reliving that moment when she spoke to Nick for the first time in six months at Josh's.

"Yeah, you'll get to meet him," Evie says, finally answering her brother's question.

"Good. I'm excited to," Oliver tells her.

"Was Nick upset?" She asks the insistent question on the forefront of her mind.

"Yeah, a bit," Oliver tells his sister truthfully.

"I felt terrible," she explains and he nods.

"I think he's coming tonight as well. Are you okay with that? He and I can always go somewhere else," Oliver reveals and Evie considers this. She's not happy about it, but she is aware she should be civil. He's friends with Josh and everyone else too.

"No I want you to be there Ollie. I'll be fine," she concludes.

They spend the afternoon catching up on each other's lives over the last few weeks since they've seen each other. Evie tells Oliver all about Dave - minus a few details.

Oliver is beaming with joy at how happy he can see his little sister is. If anyone deserves to be this happy, it's her. She's only 19 years old and she's already experienced so much pain in her life. From being the one to find her mom, to being hospitalised on the brink of death due to her battle with eating disorders. Oliver in the last year, has seen a shift in his sister. She's happy and she is finally herself again, her bubbly happy self that she hasn't been in years.

She lost track of time catching up with Oliver so she quickly gets ready for the night before Dave comes to get her. She pulls together an outfit that is surprisingly weather appropriate, settling on some plaid pants, a black turtleneck and her prized leather jacket.

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