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THE show draws to an end and the night is only just beginning for Evie and Dave. Everyone starts to applaud the band as their last song ends, but Evie and Dave just look to each other. They can feel they're both thinking the same thing, they don't want to let go of each other's hand. 

"Do we have to clap?" Dave whispers in her ear, holding her hand a little bit tighter. She breaths in his warmth and boyish smell as he leans down towards her. It's intoxicating to her sober state.

"I don't think anyone will notice if we don't," Evie whispers back to him and so they stand still while the small side of stage stirs around them with applause and cheers.  

The whole show felt incredibly intimate, they were just holding hands which seems like a simple gesture, but it felt so sweet and childish yet important. Everyone makes their way back to the room out the back where they had gathered before the show. Dave and Evie take a seat on one of the couches, still holding each other as the room buzzes with excitement and celebration.

"Hey man I'm going to crash at Krist's," Kurt tells Dave, looking between the two of them as he reveals this information. Evie understands that Kurt is trying to give Dave the signal that he will have the place to himself tonight. 

"Okay man, I'll see you tomorrow then," Dave tells Kurt and Kurt nods slowly. 

Krist strides towards the group of them clearly a little bit drunk. He bends down to bring himself to Dave and Evie's eye line.

"You see young ones, Kurt has made the executive decision to not stay at his house tonight in order to give you both an opportunity to get to know each other better," Krist says and Kurt pulls him up by the back of his t-shirt. 

"Alright buddy," Kurt says clearly trying to shut Krist up. 

"No sex on the couch but-" Kurt says pointing between Dave and Evie. 

"Alright, that's enough," Dave cuts Kurt off which makes Kurt and Krist laugh as they walk away.

"Sorry," Dave tells Evie, locking into her eyes.

"It's okay," she laughs.

"Should we get out of here then?" He suggests and she nods, following his lead as he stands. They say their goodbyes and make their way back out into the cold night air.

"I didn't ask Kurt to stay at Krist's place by the way. And I didn't say anything about sleeping with you tonight. I hope you don't think that's all I care about," he speaks up and she smiles.

"It's fine Dave. Thank you," she tells him.

"And we don't have to go back to mine, I can drive you home still if you want," he adds. 

"I'm happy to stay at yours Dave," she tells him.

"If you're not sick of my company yet," she jokes, nudging his arm with hers.

"Not quite yet," he nudges back. 

They hop into either side of the car and for the first time in the last hour they let each other go from their grasp. Sonic Youth hums quietly around them. 

"I'm glad you asked me to come tonight," Evie says.

"I'm glad you came. I wanted to see you again," he replies and Evie doesn't even try to hide her smile.

They settle into a comfortable silence on the ride home and Evie swears it feels like a blanket of warmth has wrapped around her and she's not quite sure if this is due to her comfort in Dave's presence or his jacket which is still wrapped around her.

They arrive at the house, an old large house that has been split down the middle into seperate apartments. Dave walks a couple of steps in front of Evie, his longer legs allowing him to take further strides. Evie evaluates their height difference. He's got to be at least 5 inches taller than where she stands at 5'7". For some weird reason this is another thing that attracts her to him. 

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