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EVIE is getting the task of cleaning her room done the next morning when the phone rings from downstairs. John isn't home because he's at the shop, so she skips downstairs quickly to get it before it stops ringing.


"Hey I'm looking for Evie," she recognises his voice immediately.

"Speaking. Who's this?" she says, biting down on her lip anxiously awaiting his answer.

"Hi, it's Dave. Grohl. That shitty drummer you met yesterday," he jokes, making them both laugh.

"Hi Dave Grohl, what's up?" she responds.

"Well I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to hang out later, there's a show downtown tonight that'll be good," he suggests with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Yeah, I'd love to," she agrees, smiling like a little girl.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 8?" He says.

"Perfect. I'll see you then," she nods, twirling the chord around her finger.

"See you later," he says and she removes the phone from her ear, hanging it back on the hook. She holds onto it against the wall and hops between both her feet excitedly for a few moments. Fuck yes.

"Who's Dave Grohl?" Mia's voice scares the hell out of her from the living room.

"Mia! I didn't know you were down here," she exclaims, holding a hand to her heart in shock.

"Well surprise," she says.

Evie tries to walk back upstairs avoiding the question she asked, but doesn't get away with it.

"Hey, wait! Who was that?" Mia says, standing from the couch and closing her book, making her way over. Evie continues upstairs, but she follows a few steps behind and into Evie's bedroom.

"No one," Evie tells her.

"Oh come on. Whoever he was made you do a little dance when you hung up the phone," she persists.

"He's just this guy I know."

"And?" She persists even more.

"And he asked if I wanted to go to a gig with him tonight."

"Evie you're killing me. This is the most exciting thing to happen in your life in months and you're not giving me anything to work with," she crosses her arms and Evie falls back onto her bed.

"Well he's super cute," she starts.

"Details please," she says, laying next to Evie on the bed. They stare up at the plastic glow in the dark stars stuck on the ceiling which have lived there since she was a little girl.

"He's got long dark hair, he's tall-,"

"So just your type," she laughs and Evie digs her elbow into Mia's side, smiling. She was right.

"He's a drummer. A really fucking good one," she says.

"And he came into the shop yesterday and introduced himself and I went to his show last night."

"He sounds great," Mia admits.

"I don't know but, I'm not really ready for anything," Evie says what's been running through her head since it hit the pillow last night. She had a pretty rough breakup about 6 months back and swore off relationships for at least a year.

"Well no one's saying it needs to be anything. Just see what happens," Mia explains.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm getting ahead of myself," she admits.

THE RECORD SHOP ⋆ 𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝗵𝗹जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें