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IT ISN'T UNTIL the plane touches down in Virginia that some nerves start to rise in Evie's stomach.

"God. I just got really nervous," she informs Dave, who grabs hold of her hand and rubs it gently while the plane circles the tarmac.

"I don't know that this will make you feel better, but you have nothing to worry about. You're seriously the dream girl to bring home to meet the family, especially compared to some of the crazy girlfriends I've had. Trust me, Ginny and Lisa have seen the worst of the worst. You're the best of the best," Dave informs Evie which makes her laugh slightly and it does ease her mind.

"Thanks, I needed that," she sighs.

"Let me just say again, my mother and sister are the most non-judgemental, open-minded people ever," he reassures her even more.

"Okay, I feel a bit better," Evie sighs as the plane comes to a stop and its finally time for them to make their way through the airport to meet Virginia and Lisa.

They collect their luggage from baggage claim which is an easy enough process and move smoothly through the busy building, hand in hand until Dave spots the two women he is unmistakably related to.

Virginia and Lisa both wave from afar with bright smiles on their faces and Dave and Evie wave back just as excitedly.

"Evie, it's so good to finally meet you my dear," Virginia immediately brings Evie in for a hug, putting her right at ease.

"Hi, it's great to meet you too!" Evie responds happily taking in Virginia's warm, motherly nature.

"Hey, I'm Lisa. I've heard so much about you," Dave's sister says, giving Evie a quick hug hello as well.

"Hi Lisa, nice to meet you. I can say the same," Evie smiles.

"Nice to see you guys too," Dave says to his mother and sister who are completely taken in by Evie's presence.

"Oh, sorry David, come here," Virginia says giving her son who towers over her a great hug hello.

"Sorry you're just not as exciting," Lisa says, giving her brother a very sibling-like greeting.

"Hey," Dave scorns.

"Come on, let's get you guys home and comfortable," Virginia says surely, leading the way to their car.

It's a short 30-minute drive from the airport to Dave's home in Springfield. Evie, never having visited Virginia takes in the suburbs and scenery on the way while Virginia and Lisa both ask questions about their trip over and about Evie's time growing up in Olympia which she talks about gladly.

They arrive at Dave's childhood home where he gives Evie the grand tour, the living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom and of course his old bedroom which is coated in an arrangement of band posters and magazine cut-outs.

"Wow, a true teenage boy bedroom you've got yourself here," Evie notes, fondly imagining what Dave was like in his teen years.

"It's a blast from my past that's for sure," he states, putting their bags down on the floor and standing with his hands on his hips, examine the space which he spent so much time in that has somehow become unfamiliar to him in his years away from home.

"What was teenage Dave like?" Evie asks, sitting down on his single bed covered in navy blue bed sheets, making herself comfortable.

"Well let's see... little David was gangly, awkward, couldn't score with girls, only played my music and a complete stoner. Don't I sound like a dream?" He jokes, making Evie laugh. He smiles at the sound which fills him with warmth knowing that he said something to make her laugh the way she is.

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