thirty two

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EVIE HAS COMPLETED yet another couple of weeks work at Rolling Stone. Her time in New York was maybe even more exciting this time around, probably because she got to see Dave, Kurt and Krist half way through when they came to play their New York shows. Evie and Dave got to spend the day walking around New York together, sipping on New York coffee and feeling the Fall New York air prick their skin.

She also got to introduce Henry to the boys at the show which was an exciting moment for her. They all got along well, though Dave did make some joking jealous remarks afterwards to Evie about making sure not to fall for a good-looking guy like Henry while he's not around. Evie assured him she's already got an incredibly good-looking boyfriend so she'd have no need for another.

After her two weeks in New York were up, Evie flew home to her family. She spent her time back at home in Olympia with John and Mia. She doesn't like being home alone in Seattle without Dave. Also, she wants to be as much help as she can to John in this time. His treatment seems to be going well which makes Evie hopeful for the future.

Today, Evie has flown into LA and she and Dave sip on some coffee again, same stuff, different city. And this time they're joined by Krist at the café by the hotel they've been put up in. They've sat here for about a half hour eating some food and drinking their coffee while they discuss one thing in great detail, what's going on with Kurt. As soon as Evie landed in LA and met the guys at the hotel, she knew something was up. First, Dave and Krist both had guilty looks on their faces. Second, Kurt was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Kurt?" Evie asked upon being greeted by Krist and Dave.

"He's holed up with Miss Love," Krist says after a rather long beat of silence, "Pardon the pun."

"Huh?" Evie turns to Dave for some sort of response that Evie will understand.

"He's become friendly with Courtney. The singer in Hole," Dave fills Evie in and she nods slowly.

"Okay," Evie processes this information, "Is there something wrong with that? Why do you guys look so concerned?" Evie says lightly, assuming that nothing really bad could be going on.

Dave looks to Krist then to his feet.

"What is it?" Evie says lowly, feeling her stomach drop at Dave's inability to tell her what's going on, she now looks to Krist for an answer.

"Courtney's not exactly the poster girl for sobriety," Krist says plainly, and Evie begins to process this information. She knows the type of drugs people in this scene are getting caught up in and she doesn't want to believe that Kurt could go there. But knowing Kurt, Evie also knows that he easily could and would.

"Oh," Evie frowns.

"They've been using together," Dave finally speaks up.

"Doing what?" Evie says, needing a clear answer to understand the situation at hand.

"Well Courtney's on dope and we're pretty sure Kurt is too," Dave says.

"Fuck," Evie sighs. She can feel a wave of emotions bubbling beneath the surface that manifest themselves in a lump in her throat. A mixture of anger, sadness and fear run on a loop through Evie's mind as she thinks about what is going on in Kurt's head.

After sitting at the café for some time and letting Dave and Krist tell her about what exactly has been going on, Evie finally lets her emotions get the better of her. A few tears silently roll from her eyes which she wastes no time in wiping away.

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