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February rolls around which means it's officially the month that Evie has to mail off her application to do the internship at Rolling Stone. Although it's a huge opportunity for Evie, she has decided against telling anyone, at least for the time being. Not even Dave. She doesn't want to get her hopes up and have other people rooting for her when she might not even get the position. She would rather deal with that rejection on her own.

She's worked through the necessary information and questions on the application, typed them up and printed them, although she's still working out her portfolio to send off. Which photos, and which pieces of writing.

Tonight, in Seattle Dinosaur Jr., a band that Evie adores who are also friends of Dave, Kurt and Krist's are playing. Evie is taking photos of them for Society 90 and she is driving herself Dave, Kurt, Krist and Shelli up to the city.

Evie makes her way to Dave and Kurt's before beginning the drive to Tacoma where she picks up Krist and Shelli. Dave climbs into the back seat in Tacoma, allowing Krist the passenger seat to give him some leg room. Krist entertains Evie with his jokes and friendly conversation throughout the following half of the drive to Seattle as the three in the back engage in their own separate conversation.

As they reach the outskirts of the city, Evie's excitement builds. She loves Seattle and the feeling of being in the big city, but it also still feeling like a small town. It's a feeling she hasn't gotten anywhere else, it's very particular to Seattle.

They walk down the streets of the city with the view of Seattle's skyline and vast waterfront surrounding them. As they approach OK Hotel, the venue where Dinosaur Jr. are playing, they see the groups of people standing in their cliques outside including Josh, Ruby and Josh's bandmates with some of their girlfriends.

The group of them stand around outside in the brisk winter air while some people puff away on cigarettes through conversation and catch-ups.

They all manage to get inside to go and speak to J, Murph and Mike, the guys in Dinosaur Jr. before the show starts. All the boys in the band are really pleased to meet Evie, when Dave introduces her sweetly as his girlfriend. Nirvana and Dinosaur Jr. go back a little while and they appear to know each other well. Evie immediately notes the similarities in the six boys mellow but kind personalities.

They're all quietly charming guys, a lot like Kurt, and Evie finds herself thanking her lucky stars that this is what she gets to do as part of her job. Going around to gigs, meeting wonderful people and building her photography portfolio. And she gets paid for it! Unbelievable.

Before the show kicks off, Evie and Ruby make their way towards the bar to get a drink each, both settling on a beer simply because it's easy to order. Since both are not yet 21, they slap on fake confidence and pray they aren't asked for ID and lucky for them, they aren't. Usually Evie carries her fake ID around with her just to be safe, but she didn't have it on her tonight.

"What's been keeping you busy lately? I feel like I've barely heard from you," Ruby asks curiously as they stand by the bar, sipping on their drinks.

Evie hesitates for a moment. She knows exactly what's been keeping her busy, and she knows Ruby is going to be able to pull it out of her in one way or another. Ruby knows her too well. 

"Okay, you can't tell anyone. No one knows, not even Dave," Evie warns Ruby who motions sealing her lips shut in assurance.

"I've been working on an application for an internship."

THE RECORD SHOP ⋆ 𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝗵𝗹Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora