thirty three

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EVIE WAKES WITH the sun as the morning light casts over the bedroom. She opens her eyes to see Dave still soundlessly sleeping. He is back home with her for a few days while the boys finish up their U.S. tour and prepare to head over to Europe until the end of the year. Since the release of Nevermind, the hype around the band has been steadily building. Tomorrow is the hometown show in Seattle where the boys will be joined by Bikini Kill and Mudhoney. Evie is interested to see how different the crowd will be since the last time they played at home. Dave has expressed to Evie that he's noticed a lot more jock types in the crowds at shows which is an unexpected surprise.

It's been difficult at home recently. John isn't in the best way and on top of that, this time of year is when Evie starts thinking about her Mom a lot. With her mother's birthday on December 8 approaching and the feeling of Christmas beginning, Evie can't help but be reminded of the challenging times. Having Dave back brings a sense of respite from the reality of her life right now: working in the shop, trying to make time for friends, while also trying to spend time with family, all while trying not to stress about Dave and Rolling Stone things. It all just feels lately like a dead weight on her shoulders which she can't manage to shrug off.

She carefully pulls herself out of bed without waking Dave so she can go make herself a coffee in the kitchen. It's always obvious when Dave is feeling burnt out and tired because he doesn't wake up when Evie does. Usually, he is a pretty light sleeper and will wake with any noise or movement. The tour however is tiring and he's using his time home in Seattle to catch up on some much-needed rest.

Evie starts her day with her coffee, no milk, no sugar, as always. She takes some time to sit down and write down her thoughts in her notebook. Getting the inner workings of her mind down onto paper always helps to relieve the weight on her shoulders. She sits at the dining table as the morning sun begins to crack through the blinds, casting a warm glow over her body. Through sips of coffee, she manages to write down most of what has been stressing her out lately, and it is a lot. From the thought of Dave leaving again in just a few days, to not knowing the direction John is moving in, to dwelling on her mother. The list goes on.

Dave creaks down the wooden floorboards into the living room just as Evie finishes her last sip of coffee. She folds her notebook closed and sets her mug down on top of it, before turning to give him a smile. Even in these moments where she has him home, she spends most of the time mourning his departure. She wishes she could spend some time just enjoying having him around without having to think of him leaving again so soon.

He moves closer and leans down to give Evie a good morning kiss.

"You're writing?" Dave asks, smoothing down her hair as he looks to the pen and notebook set down in front of her.

"Just trying to collect my thoughts," Evie explains and Dave gives a sympathetic nod.

He moves into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee while he takes some time to ask Evie about what's been going on.

"What have you been thinking about?"

Evie has been trying not to divulge her state of mind to Dave since he's been home. She's been putting on a brave front because she really just wants to enjoy their time together, she doesn't want to poison it with her depressing thoughts.

Evie sighs, "Everything," she laughs slightly to diffuse the enormity of the word. Dave looks at her with sad eyes, feeling the pain she isn't able to express.

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