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AS soon as her shift is over at 5 o'clock Evie starts up her car and drives back to home listening to The Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady album, one of the greatest. She pushes her front door open and finds her dad sitting in the living room reading some new book.

"Hey dad, I'm just home for an hour and then I'm going to a gig for the magazine. Josh can take me there and back," she tells him quickly as she strides up the stairs towards her safe haven, her bedroom.

"Okay Eves, who's playing tonight?" her father John asks her.

"Josh's band and a couple of others are playing at the Hideaway, Nirvana too I think," she recalls, shooting out a name he might recognise.

"Right on, let me know how it goes. Those Nirvana boys go alright I'm sure," he explains. Her dad must know them from work.

"Yeah I will," she calls as she closes the door to her room. Her dad is very invested in the Olympia and Seattle music scene as a whole. Music is his life and when he's not running the shop, he's producing records for other bands through DGC. She takes a glance around her room and boy, it's messy. Too messy. She makes a mental note that she has to clean it first thing tomorrow morning before she goes to develop her photos.

The phone rings from the kitchen, it rings out a few times before her dad answers.

"Evie, phone for you! It's Ruby!"

She takes on the steps two at a time again and walks into the kitchen, the phone is waiting on the bench for her.

"Hey Rubes."

"Evie! What are your plans for this evening?" She asks.

"I'm actually going to the Hideaway tonight, you should come!" She responds.

"Oh, I was just double checking that you were coming! I think that Josh is going to take me as well, so I will see you in half an hour my friend," Ruby explains.

"Oh sweet! I'll see you later then," Evie is excited Ruby's coming, she hasn't seen her in a while so she is looking forward to catching up.

"Okay, I have to go, Josh will be at my place soon. Later, love you," she spills before the beeping of the dead line sounds.

Evie still has about an half an hour until Josh and Ruby get to her place, which is enough time for her to get ready. Josh and Ruby have known each other all their lives and Ruby and Evie have known each other all their lives it just took about 13 years for Ruby to introduce Josh and Evie to each other.

She quickly changes and pulls on black wide leg jeans, a black and white striped t-shirt and her leather jacket. She brushes on some mascara and some lip balm and finishes off by pulling on her well-loved high doc marten boots.

"Where are you going?" Her younger sister Mia says coming into the room and laying across the end of her bed.

"A gig at the hideaway," Evie says.

"Who's playing?"

"Josh's band and a couple of others," she tells.

"Right. Have fun," she says, pushing herself up from the bed and walking out of the room. Mia's always had a crush on Josh, but her being a couple of years younger than them, he always just saw her as Evie's little sister, nothing more.

Her camera bag is hanging off the edge of the bed, which she swings over her shoulder before heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water before she goes. And by the time she pours and finishes it, Josh and Ruby are knocking at the door. They swing it open and enter without answer.

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