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EVIE STUTTERS, "Wh- what are you doing here?" Fumbling over her words in complete shock at the wildly familiar and yet unfamiliar boy standing before her.

"I just wanted to come say hi to everyone. It's been a while," he explains and Evie takes a moment to reply, soaking in his words and voice, trying to make sense of this situation.

"I'm sorry, I'm just confused. I wasn't really expecting to see you," is what she can manage to give him.

"Yeah I bet you weren't," Nick looks between Dave and her clearly questioning what the situation between the two of them is.

"Uh Nick, this is my friend Dave. Dave this is my um, this is Nick," Evie says awkwardly, attempting to break the tension by introducing them both.

Dave politely extends his hand towards Nick who hesitantly returns the gesture.

"Uh, good to meet you," Dave says, even more confused about the current situation than Evie.

"I'm headed home now. I just wanted to say hello before I left," Nick announces.

"Okay," Evie squeaks.

"Good to see you Nick," she tacks on to her measly response.

"Yeah, sure," Nick gives a tight lipped smile before turning away.

Evie and Dave are both left stood in silence for a moments time.

"So..." Dave starts, searching for an explanation.

"My ex," Evie states and Dave covers his mouth, his jaw dropping slightly.

"Oh. Shit," Dave says.

"Yeah, not awkward at all," Evie laughs, genuinely a little amused at how uncomfortable that interaction was.

"How recently did you two break up?" Dave asks curiously.

"About half a year ago. I haven't spoken to him properly since the day," Evie recalls the moment she told Nick how she felt and how he left her house. How she had packed his stuff into a box and dropped it off at his house. How she had steadfastly avoided him for about six months whenever she heard he was in the same place as her.

"So that was the first interaction?" Dave says with an edge of disbelief.

"Yep," Evie says popping the P.

"And he walked in on you kissing some random dude," Dave continues, unpacking the situation.

"Yes," Evie nods.

"Well he definitely hates me," Dave says, smiling slightly.

"No more than he already hates me," Evie says.

"Yeah right," Dave jokes, poking Evie's arm which makes her smile.

"I feel kind of bad," she admits.

"It's alright, surely he can understand you've moved on with your life," Dave says to ease her mind.

"Yeah, I guess so," Evie shrugs.

She still thinks it would suck to see your ex with someone else. She remembers Oliver's words from earlier. He's still in love with you. She mentally cringes at how shitty Nick probably feels right now and how shitty that in turn is making her feel.

She tries to convince herself she shouldn't care what he thinks, but she can't fool herself. She does care.

Evie and Dave spend the rest of the night side by side and this helps to take her mind off of the guilt she feels. She is finding that being around Dave takes her mind off a lot of things. He eases her mind in every way.

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