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𝔻𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟙, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟙☃︎

Our heads spun to face Luis, who was huffing in anger. I sighed with relief and a small smile crept on my face. Noah yanked me next to him and gripped onto my waist.

"What did you just say?" Noah scoffed.

"I said," Luis growled. "Get your damn hands off of her."

Noah puffed his chest out to seem tough. "You can't tell me what to do."

Luis stepped in front of him. "I think I can. Don't make me mess you up as I did a few weeks ago."

Noah's face went red with anger. "I wasn't even doing anything."

"You were trying to rape Mindy. That's something." His arms crossed over his chest.

"Why did you even care?" Noah scoffed. "You didn't even like her."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I won't protect her from creepy dudes like you." Luis scoffed back. "And I'll do the same for Amelia."

"Get back tough guy." Noah poked his chest. "She's not interested in you."

He tried to pull me away but Luis quickly grabbed my waist. He yanked me back behind him and quickly let me go. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable." He whispered.

"No, not at all." I shook my head.

Noah gasped and his eyes darted from me to Luis. "Give her back!"

"No, dude." Luis shook his head. "You're talking to her like she's an object."

"Cause she is." Noah chuckled. "All women are."

My eyes widened slightly. Luis clenched his jaw, along with his fists. "Get out."

Noah cracked his knuckles. "Make me."

Luis chuckled. "I'm not dealing with your shit again. Leave."


Before Noah could finish his words, Luis punched him clean across the face. I gasped and watched him fall to the floor. He was out cold.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled.

Luis breathed heavily. "Come on."

He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me into the locker room. I gasped lightly and set my stuff down.

"Um..." He muttered. "Sorry about that."

"No, it's fine." I quickly reassured. "I wanted to do the same thing."

He chuckled lightly and I started putting my gear on. He sighed and gasped for words. "Um, I've been meaning to talk to you."

My heartbeat sped up. "About what?" I calmly asked.

He nervously fidgeted with his fingers. "About last night?..."

I swallowed. "What's there to talk about?..."

"I feel like I scared you..." He sighed.

"Maybe a little bit..." I shrugged.

"Shit..." He mumbled. "I-I am so sorry."

"It's okay." I nodded.

"No, it's not." Luis shook his head. "I...I shouldn't have been so...aggressive, I guess."

"It's okay," I reassured. "Let's just pretend like it never happened, okay?"

He smiled and nodded. "Sounds good."

His phone suddenly dinged and he sighed. "Sorry, one second."

I waited patiently and tried not to seem nosy. "Who is it?"

"My mom." He shrugged.

"What does she want?"

"She's just wishing me a happy birthday." He sighed.

I gasped and he looked like he immediately regretted saying that. "It's your birthday?!"

"Yeah, but it's not a huge deal-"

"Not a huge deal?!" I cut him off. "This is a huge deal!"

"It's just a birthday." He shrugged. "And besides, I'm just turning seventeen. It's not that interesting."

I squealed. "I don't care! I'm still gonna act like it's a big deal!"

"No." He sighed while shaking his head. "Please, don't."

"Too bad." I smiled.

He chuckled. "You're a real handful."

"And you're gonna have to deal with me for a while now."

"That's fine with me." He smiled.

I laughed and pulled him out of the locker room.

I plopped next to Luis and we were both sweating and breathing heavily. He chugged down his water and I looked at him.

"Okay," I started. "That Noah guy...you said you dealt with him before. What did you mean?"

He looked back at me and sighed. "Well, he's a huge creep. He hits on practically every girl he sees and tries to...you know..."

"Oh, yeah, I-I know." I nodded.

"Yeah. Anyways, a few weeks ago when Mindy and I were still "friends", I caught him trying to do stuff with her. She, of course, wasn't into the idea and luckily I was there to help her. I don't wanna imagine what that must've felt like for her...and you."

"Yeah." I nodded. "It wasn't very fun. I'm glad you were there though."

"I heard you screaming for help and I was the first one to help you out." He shrugged. "I wasn't just gonna let that creep take advantage of you."

I nodded. "And thank you for that. Most boys don't do that."

"Yeah..." He mumbled. "Those kinds of guys are assholes. I-I'm not though..."

Is he trying to shoot his shot? Hm...

"Luckily." I chuckled. "I'm glad I have you as a friend."

He looked hurt but covered it up. "I'm glad as well."

I smiled and cleared my throat. "So, about your birthday, I was thinking we could-"

"No, no, no." He quickly cut me off while chuckling. "We aren't doing anything."

"Yes, we are." I nodded.

"Noooo." He whined. "I don't wanna."

"Please, Luis? Just one thing." I begged.

He hesitated but sighed. "Fine, one thing."

I clapped and squealed lightly. "Yay! Okay, how would you feel about watching the sunrise with me?"

He raised one eyebrow in confusion. "Watch the sunrise?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's pretty."

"Hm..." He hummed. "Where would we watch it?"

"At this old baseball field by my house. There's a treehouse that has a perfect view of the sky."

A small smile painted his lips. "I guess so."

"Yay!" I clapped. "Thank you!"

He chuckled. "No problem."

AHHHH LUIS IS SO CUTE OMG😩 Idk what else to say uh...bubbles? okay, lol, stay gold, lovelies💕


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