Ready to Collapse

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'The iron. I bet he's gonna give you the iron. Or a week on the fence, shit probably a month, if not more. He may just kill me and literally stick me on the fence at this point. God I've got to get out of here. I've got to find a way out.' I mentally exhaust myself with all the endless possibilities of what is actually going to happen to me.

At this point I kind of hope he just kills me. I try to pry at the door handle for the hundredth time.

"Stupid child lock" I mutter to myself. I look around and see everyone is occupied with loading the trucks. I see Negan nowhere in sight so I take this opportunity to slide myself into the front passenger seat and pull up on the lock. I look around me once again and slowly open the car door holding my breath the entire time.

'What are you doing Kendall?' My brain plays devils advocate with me.

What am I doing? Before I can think anything through I am driven by impulse to burst through the car door and make an attempt at a getaway. I push my legs off the side of the car and propel myself onto the dirt road

but if only I had checked the rear view mirror I would've seen Dwight and Simon were smoking cigarettes not even a foot away from the car.

"And where do you think you're going huh?" Dwight taunts as he is quick to drop his cigarette.

"Sweetheart You're just asking for a funeral." Simon scoffs and almost laughs in disbelief at my boldness and stupidity.

Dwight latches on to my upper arm but I am quick to turn around and right hook him right in his chest.

"I said I wanted to leave." I state coldly yet with a very subtle undertone of frantic in my voice.

"You're not going anywhere. Are you trying to get yourself killed, me killed? You realize it's my ass on the line if you run off right?" He says but I ignore him. I respond with a kick and another hit which knocks us both to the ground. I try desperately to pry myself off of him but his grip is too strong on my arm for me to go anywhere. I suddenly feel myself being lifted and pulled off of Dwight. Knowing it's Simon, I am quick to elbow him in the chest sharply.

A quiet throaty groan is let out but he doesn't even flinch as I try my best to tug away. But when I turn around I'm not met with who I originally thought was Simon,

I'm met with Negan.

For a quick moment, my eyes widen in fear and regret. But then I revert back to my original anger. I know I'm just signing my death certificate at this point but what do I have to lose. Go big or go home right?

I can't say anything, I can't even maintain proper eye contact with him. As soon as I feel his grip start to lighten up around my wrist I try one last final flee which of course is met with me getting slammed against the car door. It echos so loudly everyone can't help but to glance. The hit was hard enough that even the people from Hilltop must've heard and glance down onto their newest threat.

"That's enough." He growls completely fed up at this point. He points Lucille right at me, blood still dripping from her adding to my fire. His face is red and teeth are clenched together as he tries to compose himself. I've never seen him this angry with me before. He holds his hand against my neck with Lucille close by in the other.

"Take the shit back to the sanctuary. I'll meet you all there." He demands and within seconds everybody is moving as quickly as possible not wanting to be the guy or girl he takes this pent up anger out on.

"As for you." He states coldly inches from my face Lucille nearly pressed against my cheek "get in the car. Right now. Not another word. You better be storming up one hell of a fucking apology before we get back."

I don't move, hell I'm not even sure if I'm breathing. But I decide not to test his patience anymore and I finally do as he says and unwillingly get back in the vehicle.

I swipe the seatbelt across my chest and stare blankly ahead in disbelief. It was supposed to be so simple. We were just supposed to go in there and talk with them. They were supposed to be our allies NOT our enemies. So much for being a team.

After a few moments Negan enters the vehicle placing his bat in the back seat. He sits in silence not even bothering to start up the engine. The silence is deafening. I feel like I need to break it but I don't want to because I know if I do a screaming war might erupt. Finally he starts the ignition and begins to drive. His knuckles are white with how tight his grip is around his steering wheel. And I imagine that's the grip that's going to be around my throat later. Because after what I just did, there is no way I'm seeing the light of day again.

My palms sweat as we pull up to the familiar gates. I haven't said one word the entire ride back. Negan pulls the car into the garage and puts it in park as I sit in the same silence I have been. I debate on if I should get out or not. I make the mistake of locking eyes with Negan. He gives me a repulsed look and mumbles a stern

"Get out of my fucking face. I don't even want to look at you."

"Good because I don't want to look at you either."

"That mouth of yours is going to get you into some serious fucking trouble."

And with that I open the door and slam it shut harder than I intended to. But I can't help it, I'm fuming and forcing myself to bite my tongue is not helping.

I stomp myself up to my favorite place of all, the good old rooftop and all I can do is scream. It's super high up so I doubt anyone hears me and even if they do I could care less. I scream and kick all of my pent up rage out until I feel I'm ready to collapse.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now