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TW: *sexual assault And violence* indicated by + sign

Another day comes and goes and I still haven't spoken a word to Negan. I see him eyeing me sometimes in the hall or when he passes me when I'm working but he never says a word. Sometimes I feel he's forgotten I existed and it makes me a little sad.

Maybe it's for the best. It seems like all he wanted from me was sex anyways. Or maybe he just changed his mind, I mean I am really young for him. Not that I care but maybe he does. His other 'wives' are beautiful, grown... I'm probably just a kid to this guy.

I stand in front of the points book as the line slowly dies down. I really don't mind this job. Not too much effort goes into it.

"So how do you like it here?" A guy I work with, Nick, asks.

"It's not bad. Better than out there." I say referring to the crumbling world outside this compound.

"True, can't complain about that." He smiles. He has a sweet smile with little dimples. They surely aren't as prominent as Negan's. He seems to be a few years older than me... maybe twenty three.

"So... how long have you been here?" I ask

"Since the beginning. My dad brought me here. The old leader was a true asshole, I mean... not that Negan isn't but... this guy was the devil himself. My father was one of Negan's top Savior's. But unfortunately he got bit on one of the runs."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah So now I'm just working up the ladder. I work here part time. All the other days I roll with the saviors."

"So like... what exactly is the Saviors?"

"They are basically Negan's army. He has a mission we complete it. We scout for supplies, food. Clear buildings. Just try to keep the place up and running."

"So... how do you become one?" I ask curiously.

"You just ask basically or he offers. If he likes you he keeps you. It's one of the best jobs point wise."

Our talk is interrupted when a girl named Abigail comes to replace me at the end of my shift.

"Time already?" I ask smirking.

"Appears so." She smiles kindly as I wave goodbye to Nick. Out of the corner of my eye I see Negan piercing his eyes into Nick and I's exchange. Could he be jealous? Nah, no way. i do find it odd that he always watches me, but it could only be a coincidence. He must have been just casually looking this way.

I walk down the stairs to my room. It is practically in the basement. The bottom floor, and I'm the only female who lives on it. The other guys usually work along the fence or in the garage fixing vehicles. But I don't mind, the only time it is awkward is when I am need of a shower. Each floor shares a bathroom but thankfully there are locks on the shower doors. I pull out the key to my room and open it swiftly locking the door behind me. I assume the time is about two or three o'clock but I am never really sure. I look around my room... it's small but decent. Always cold down here.


I tug off my blue flannel and throw it to the side leaving me in my white tank top and jeans. Just as I am about to change, I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to it and attempt to look through the peephole but I am too short. I crack the door open a smidge to see who is on the other side.

"Can I help you?" I ask seeing three men standing at my door. They are all very tall. Two of them are clean shaved. One of the men appears to be Mexican, he is bald with a goatee. The other man is an American guy who has a tattoo sleeve on his right arm. The last man is African American. He has tattoos all over his head.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant