The beginning

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The annoying sound of the television rang and echoed throughout the gym. I removed my headphones from my ears and slowed the treadmill. I came here twice a week every week. Usually I had therapy but my therapist called in sick.

I directed my attention back to the television.

"The following message is transmitted at the request of the United States Government and Pennsylvania State Police Department. Reports are coming in from officials that an unidentified virus string is rapidly spreading across Pennsylvania and other surrounding states. It is believed the virus will be spread worldwide in the next twenty four hours. Symptoms of this virus include but are not limited to:

nausea and vomiting
loss of muscle control

It is also reported that those who are pronounced dead from the illness have been able to resuscitate themselves and are showing minimal brain wave activity. The virus can be spread through scratch, bite, but does not appear to be airborne as of now. If you come in contact with someone infected do not approach. Call your local police department. Those infected can become hostile and dangerous. The following actions should be taken to protect your safety.

Stay indoors if possible, turn off all heating, air conditioning, and lighting. Lock all doors. If this virus continues to spread these actions will be taken by your government as well. The US army has begun evacuating certain cities. Most importantly remain calm and wait for further instructions."

After the message disappeared off the screen 'breaking news.' Filled the television screens. There was only five others in the gym including the owner who said its best for us all to go home since this is the tenth time he's heard about this today. I had just finished my class, freshman in college on the verge of dropping out. Classes ended early today, and I suppose this was why. I washed my hands and gathered my things and tried to call my mom who I had two missed calls from, but unfortunately there was no answer. As I was about to leave the bathroom I heard a woman throwing up in one of the stalls. I alerted the owner before leaving.

"Mom? Dad? Matt?" I asked entering the home. I  called out to my older brother and parents. No response. Our power was off and I saw a note on our dining room table.


I'm sorry we couldn't have waited for you. But as soon as we heard the news we were evacuated. Your father came home early from work today sick. The phone lines are going down and it seems everything is falling apart. We left a third of the food and water for you. Should be about three weeks worth. We went to a shelter in the city. All transportation is going down so leave as soon as you get this and we will meet up there, we are waiting for news on your father. I'm so sorry.



Are you joking me? I walked around and didn't see our cat. So they took the cat, and not me? Some family I have. Forget them, they'll just get me killed if they aren't dead already. I'm taken out of my thoughts when I heard screaming outside. I looked out the large window in my living room to see someone running down the street. Two other people who are covered in blood cornered the person. It turned into something straight out of a horror movie, they began ripping and pulling him apart... devouring him and I immediately felt as though I was going to throw up. I can't believe I was left alone. I make sure to lock my doors. I then pulled wood from the basement and boarded up the windows. I'm sure people have started breaking and entering into homes.

The sun had gone down by the time I finished proofing my home. This was really the apocalypse. I opened some water and made a sandwich. I ate the perishables first.

After staying in my home for three weeks and hearing nothing I faced the bitter reality that there was nothing left and nobody was coming for me. Depression, crippling depression has clouded my mind. Loneliness and sadness are all I felt and I did the only thing I knew how to do to relieve it.

That afternoon I angrily packed a bag. A few outfits, some toiletries, some food/water, first aid kit, and a map. I found my brothers old pocket knife too. I then traveled to the basement and found a rusted crowbar. It would have to do. Because there is no way I was letting what happened to that guy happen to me. Was I really capable of killing another human being? I was unsure, but I wasn't going to die without trying.

I grabbed my parents car keys and left. I didn't have my license, only my permit, but I was going to try my best to get somewhere safe. As I drove to well... whoever the hell knows, I passed pure hell on earth. Buildings on fire. People dying, bodies everywhere. A woman cried for me to stop but her arms were littered in bite marks. She held a child who looked deathly ill. My heart broke as I continued on my way. I came to a few pile up and road blocks especially when I passed outside the city of Pittsburgh.

Once I got onto the highway it was pretty much smooth sailing. I saw a group of those people. Those who were no longer people... biters as I coined them. I saw groups of people sticking together who began getting torn apart, telling me I was going to burn in Hell for not stopping. And they were right, I probably would. I wanted to help I did but there was nothing I could do for them. These biters would moan and groan following my car but I didn't dare stop. Not til I ran out of gas that is. I broke down on the side of the road and thankfully i saw a gas station. It looked run down and abandoned. I saw a sign, I was in Maryland. Had I really been driving that long?

I grabbed an empty gas can and my crowbar from the trunk of the car and walked down the road to the station. I tried the first pump but it was out of service or empty. So I tried the next one and thankfully had success. I didn't want to have to suck any out of the abandoned cars. I got about half a can out of it. I then heard groaning from behind me. About four feet away from me stood one of those... things. It was oozing all kinds of bodily fluids. It's skin peeling. It didn't look human, it looked monster-like. I put down the can of gas and it charged at me. It grabbed me by my long dark hair and I screamed. It was much taller so I kicked it hard and it fell on its back nearly knocking me down with it. I then smashed mercilessly at its head. I figured the brain is the best location at possibly killing it. And sure enough I was right. I breathed heavily as I checked myself for scratches, wounds, bites, anything. My heart pounded heavily I felt as though I may have had a panic attack.

I immediately wiped its blood off of me not wanting it to get me sick. I checked the convenient store which thankfully was empty. I grabbed a few more snacks and then I saw a container of hair ties. I grabbed it without thinking twice. I walked behind the counter and saw a pistol laying flat on the counter. I had never used one of these before, but I knew they were loud and if I shot it more biters and people would probably come. I took it anyways and I continued on back to the car where I decided to stay the night.

The next day I woke up and put my hair into a ponytail. Couldn't have that getting in the way again. I had to make two more stops for gas along the way and I had the best luck I could imagine.That is, until the car broke down.

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