Showing Through

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I take a really quick shower and brush my hair. I try to towel dry it as best as I can. I look in the mirror and see dark purple hickeys all over my neck. I use my hair to cover them best I can. My mind keeps wandering. Is that all he wanted from me? Is our friendship ruined and destroyed because of it? Did he... use me, did I use him? My stomach churns at the thought but I can't help but be insecure. Maybe he could want something more from me?

'Oh come on Kendall, wake up. What do you think he's going to do? Leave all his beautiful wives for you? Please... yeah right.' My mind mocks me.

I get dressed in a tight cream colored shirt that has three buttons going down the front and some jeans. Jeans are always my go to. I go down to the cafeteria to place Negan's order for breakfast and I grab two cups of coffee. I carry them up to his room and by the time I get there thankfully Julie is gone. But my insecurity has returned.

"Got you coffee." I say placing it on his desk. His attention is focused on some papers in front of him. I drink my own cup as I stare out the barred window. He places his papers down, takes off his glasses, and wipes his eyes.

"You look like you have something to say." He observes.

"It's just... about last night and this morning... what... what are we?"

"We are friends, like you wanted, right? Friends who like to have a good fucking time together."

"That's what I thought." I say not wanting to sound too disappointed. "But why me? You could have any female in this compound. In fact, you practically do... why the need?"

"If I'm gonna be blunt here, it seems you needed last night a whole hell of a lot more than I fucking did. And who am I to deny?"

"But I'm not one of your wives."

"Exactly, you're not. So there's no fucking strings attached."

"I heard the saviors are going on a run today?"

"Who the hell told you that?"

"Nick. He waited for me in the cafeteria before he left."

"Well, what about it?"

"Thought maybe I could go."

He lets out a sigh, "Do you even know how to shoot a gun?"

"I can learn. I know the saviors practice, I hear them all the time."

"Fine. You can practice with Simon and if, IF, he approves. You can maybe go on a run or two every once in a while. But don't think that means you can slack on your assistant job."

"Never! I won't."

"After you do your whole morning routine go find Simon. See if he will take you out shooting when they come back."

"Thank you." I say running off to clean his room while he goes back to doing whatever he was doing.

After I clean his room perfectly I go to find Simon. They just came back from a run an hour or two ago. I meet him, 'Fat' Joseph, and Dwight in the main hall.

"Hey. Did Negan radio you at all?" I ask

"Sure did. Said you wanted to learn to shoot."

"Sure do."  I smile.

"Well, then let's go little lady." He says as we all go to an outpost right outside the walls. It's a separate fenced in area.

"This is where we practice." Joey informs me.

"See pistols are pretty easy. You just point and shoot." Dwight explains handing me one. "See those cans on that wall right there. Try to shoot them."

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now