New Oppurtunity

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I open the door to my new room which is literally five steps down the hall from Negan's. I am in complete surprise. This room is double maybe triple the size of my last one. I am also in shock that I get my own bathroom.

"Wow... it's amazing. But it's too much I can't accept." I say hoping I don't sound rude but this is ridiculously nice.

"I insist, especially after the bullshit you just had to go through. It's the least I can fucking do. The other rooms aren't finished yet." Negan explains.

"Well thank you." I say offering a shy smile. I look again at the room. A full  bed, which beats the twin sized mattress I was sleeping on. A couch, a desk, a larger closet, two dressers... it's amazing to say the least.

"You know. You should've taken the deal." Negan says.

"What deal?" I ask looking at him.

"To be my wife. No man would go within a five mile radius of you."

"Oh, so it's my fault now?" I ask getting offended.

"Ah. No don't you fucking spin this shit to make me the bad fucking guy.... listen, I just mean. I wanna keep you safe."

"I can keep myself safe. Just give me back my gun and there won't be another problem." I explain.

"Afraid there are no exceptions when it comes to open carry. Not even for you darlin' but you'll be safer up here."

"What makes you so sure?" I ask.

"Well besides me, the wives, Simon, and well now you. Nobody else lives up here. Hell nobody else breathes up here. Get settled in and I'll swing by later... if I find the time. You uh- look like you could use some sleep." He says as he leaves shutting the door behind him. I quickly take a shower and get dressed. It is then all the emotions hit me once again. Everything that happened to me and I begin to cry on the couch. My crying is interrupted by a knock at the door. I'm almost afraid to answer it but I know that I am safe. I trust Negan.

"Who is it?" I ask going to open the door.

"Simon." I hear. I open the door. "Big boss wants to see you in his office."

"Why didn't he just come here himself?" I ask, "he's literally five steps down the hall."

"Have you met the man?" Simon asks rolling his eyes. After walking the few steps to his door Simon leaves and I enter.

"Kendall. Take a seat." Negan offers as I sit down in a chair. "So you don't want to be my wife. Fine. Is it a kick to my ballsack? Yeah, it's a pretty low blow. But I still respect that. But I don't want you working on the floor anymore... you see I need someone who can do shit for me. Like keep track of shit, get me shit..."

"So... like an assistant?" I ask still unsure where this is going.

"Yeah. Like a personal fucking assistant. And I think you're just the right kind of gal for the job. I'd need you around pretty often, like, daily, so you'd make probably four times the points you're making down on the floor. So what do you say?"

More points AND time with Negan for doing chores or running errands? Sounds like a double bonus to me. Maybe I'll make my way up to Savior status at some point.

"I'll take it." I smile lightly.

"Atta girl. Finally you make a smart fucking decision." He jokes as I scoff slightly. "You can start tomorrow, take the day off. You could use it. And get some sleep for God's sake. You look like you haven't slept since you stepped foot in here. I need you refreshed."

"Okay. Well, thanks... for everything." I say standing to my feet and leaving. I make sure to close the door behind me as I head to my new room. I spend the rest of the day just trying to relax. Trying to ease my mind, I don't even bother going down for dinner. I don't even step foot outside my room. I just unpack my shit and lay around. I have a window in my room but it is barred. I think all the windows in the compound are.

I watch as the sun sets and finally decide to get some sleep. I lay down in my bed and close my eyes but no matter how hard I try I can't sleep. When I finally do I wake up an hour or two later in a fit of sweat and fear.

I get out of bed and go to my bathroom rinsing off my face. I throw on a pair of grey sweatpants and walk out into the hall. The hall has emergency lights on so if something goes wrong we can find our way out, but it still isn't super bright. I lock my door behind me and begin just walking through the halls. I walk to the cafeteria and get a glass of water and then after drinking it, I come back. I know I shouldn't be out in the compound alone but I can't stay in the room forever. I make it back to the top floor when I am startled by the sound of a familiar voice.

"Thought I told you to get some sleep." Negan says as I turn to face him.

"I did. I just, couldn't sleep anymore I guess." I explain as vaguely as possible.

"You didn't come down for dinner."

"Gee, didn't think a busy man like you would've noticed. But you're right, I didn't. Wasn't hungry." I explain feeling like I'm getting interrogated.

"My room. Sunrise. Be there."

"Yes sir." I mutter under my breath going into my room. Why is he up this late anyways?

I lay in bed and toss and turn until sunrise.

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