No Contact

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A few days pass and I've been doing my best to avoid Negan but of course it's difficult when you literally work by his side. I try to quickly finish all the tasks he needs me to do for the day so that I can leave and spend the rest of my time ignoring him. I figure the quicker I get the work done the less I have to see him. As if this punishment of losing my freedom could get any worse, he has ordered a 'no contact' rule. Nobody is allowed to talk to me or they get the iron. Beats me how the fuck he comes up with this shit but it works. This punishment is driving me insane.

I fold the last shirt of his and shut his drawer. Thankfully he isn't here so I can sneak out without issue. I've become so depressed not being able to go anywhere except within these walls and to not even be able to talk to anyone makes it a million times more lonely. Not like anyone really talked to me anyways. I've made no friends here, everyone is afraid of me. Everyone except for Nick, he wasn't, but unfortunately now he's gone and I'm convinced Negan had something to do with it. I'm so tempted just to go out, would he even find out? He'd probably assume I'm off somewhere else like the Rec room, or my bedroom. Next thing I know I'm exiting his room into the hall nearly running into someone. I step back just in time and look up to see Dwight. His eye is dark, bruised, and swollen as I give him an odd look.

I know I didn't do that. There's no way I hit him in the face.

"Hell happened to you?" I ask pointing out the obvious.

"You happened."

"What do you mean?"

"I already fucking told you. I take the hit when you fuck up. Literally.  So for my sake it'd be nice if you stopped fucking up. I take enough of the shit for Sherry I can't handle taking the fall for both of you. Now leave me alone before I get in trouble for talking to you. Nice to see you're fucking fine though." He remarks sarcastically before storming off. I can't believe he did that to Dwight for something I did. That's so fucked up. But I expect nothing less from the monster himself.

Next thing I know I'm on the stairwell climbing towards the rooftop. He wouldn't know if I was up here for a second, would he?

'He always knows Kendall.' I remind myself still walking towards the familiar door. I put my hand on the door so tempted to push it open, even just for a second.

"Going somewhere?" I hear behind me as I jump nearly ten feet in the air. I turn around and see Julie. You must be fucking kidding me. "Just wait til Negan finds out you disobeyed him again." She snickers like a child.

"Aren't you not supposed to be talking to me? And I  literally didn't break any of his rules. I didn't leave the Sanctuary."

"That's not what he's gonna think when I go tell him otherwise."

"God you are just such a fucking Mega-bitch aren't you?" I sigh out just fully exhausted of everything sinking to the floor. I can't get away with anything. She prances off as I sit in place with my head against the wall. I put my hand on the bottom of the door and feel the air blowing from the crack that runs along the bottom of the door.

What I would give to be out there right now.

About fifteen minutes pass and I debate on going out there or not. I mean I'm already gonna get chewed out because of Julie. Might as well make it worth it. I stand to my feet and slightly push on the door but stop myself. It's not worth it.

"Excuse the shit out of me but shouldn't you be asking me something first?"

I turn to face Negan already knowing by his crude language and booming voice that he's arrived.

"I'm not and did not go out there. So the answer is no. I have nothing to ask of you."

"Yeah well shouldn't you be... you know... working."

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now