The Dangers They May Bring

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I jolt awake with the familiar feeling of panic. Sweat drips down my forehead and neck. My heart pounds so hard against my chest I feel it may burst. My throat hoarse from the scream I just let out. I quickly flip on the lamp to the left of me as I burst into tears like a child. I look around the quiet room, my cheeks darkening as I realize the entire compound probably just heard me scream. I gasp for air as the vivid images of my nightmare fill my head. It's burned into my mind as if it were a memory instead of a wicked dream.

There were biters everywhere in the compound. They were just pouring through the door. Except I was alone, i couldn't see anyone anywhere. I tried to run but I wasn't getting anywhere. I was screaming for help and nobody came to my rescue.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of knocking. I can tell just from the noise of the knuckles echoing off of the wood who it is behind that door. I throw my feet over the side of the bed and try to compose myself before opening it.

"Everything okay? Thought I heard you scream. Was concerned because usually I only hear that from inside of my room." He smirks slyly with a wink.

I can't help but to roll my eyes. "Yeah well, everything's fine. Sorry to have disturbed you." I say brushing him off, not intentionally, it came off much colder than I anticipated.

"Everything good?"

"Yeah. Sorry, just exhausted."

"Looks like it. Doesn't take a blind man to see that shit."


"What's that saying... Honesty is the best policy? Or some shit..."

I smirk.

"So what was it?" He asks leaning against the doorframe.

"What was what?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows

"What was it that made you scream like that?"

"Oh uh, there was a mouse." I lie through my teeth remembering Dwight found one in his room a week ago.

"Shit really? Wouldn't doubt it, this piss hole has been attracting them like flies on shit. I'll take a look around for the filthy fucker."

"No it's fine, really I'm sure it's hiding or gone by now."

"It'd be my pleasure to get rid of it for you."

"No you really don't have to."

"You're acting suspicious, you got some other guy in here or something?" He asks

"What the heck? No! Why would there be? I just don't like people going out of their way for me. And it's just a mouse, I'm not afraid of it... just didn't expect it." I continue the little white lie too embarrassed to tell him the truth. He gives me a questionable look as I invite him in to search for this imaginary man he's paranoid I'm hiding in here. He claims he's looking for the mouse but I know him better than that.

"Why don't you come into my room. Wouldn't want the furry fuck chewing on you while you're asleep. Those things are full to the brim of disease. Especially now. Munching on bodies all day."

"No it's okay, I'll just see you at the meeting in the morning."

"Yeah I'm gonna need you awake for that. And by the looks of it you look like you're ready to fall over into a three day coma... you sleep better in my room anyways. Plus, I could use the company." He winks.

"Fine." I give in with a sigh, "but no funny business. I'm too exhausted."

"Alright, alright." He gives in as I follow him out the door of my room.


The next morning I wake up actually thankful to be in his bed. Everything feels so right. Being here, with him. It makes you forget. Makes you forget the world is decomposing and crumbling all around you. Makes you forget that everything is out to get you. It feels nice to forget. I wake up and Negan doesn't even budge. I don't wake him, I just quietly leave to shower and get dressed. I also want to make sure I have enough time to get us both some coffee.

I enter the room, two coffee cups warm in my hands and I place it down at the head of the table as usual. I sit in my usual corner away from the table and wait for Negan to arrive. When he enters the room we all stand.

"As you were." He says and everybody sits.

"Got word of possibly another community." One of the saviors say. "Went to scope it out and there were a good amount of survivors behind the walls."

"More numbers than ours?" Simon asks

"Don't think so." The savior informs him as Negan listens intensely. He eyes me a couple times but says nothing.

"We need whatever they've got. Looked like they had livestock. Lots of it." Another savior explains.

"I agree. We sure as shit need what they got." Negan explains.

"So what we just bust into the joint and start shooting it up, take what we want?" Simon suggests as I cringe. Negan doesn't look impressed with the idea either.

"Now Simon, we are civilized people. I agree we need to survive but we aren't gonna go all willy-nilly on them. We can't kill them, people are a resource." Negan speaks.

"Well what do you suggest boss?" Simon asks

"Well... we gotta get them to WORK for us. Somehow, someway. We've gotta convince them to give us their shit."

"What like trick them?" Dwight asks.

"Or... we could negotiate." I speak for the first time in one of these meetings. Everyone turns to me as I blush. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I begin to apologize remembering my place as the note taker and quiet down but it's too late, I've already got Negan's attention.

"Well look who wants to earn her way at the adults table. How rude of me, come on over Kendall, right next to me. I'm sure Dwighty boy wouldn't mind making space." He says as the men shift their chairs. I give them a thankful smile as I pull my chair to them...

what? Negan did say we could end up running this place together some day.

"Now what were you saying Darlin' I couldn't hear you from all the way over there."

"I said... maybe we could negotiate with them. Make it seem like we have a deal they can't pass up on." I suggest once again.

"And what kind of deal were you thinking?" Negan asks leaning back, amused at my commentary.

"Well... what do people want most in this world? Protection. If they give us some of their stuff... we offer them protection. Maybe 10% of their stuff monthly for protection." I explain my idea not sure how everyone will react.

"I like where you're going with this doll, I do. But I was thinking more 75% of their stuff."

"Negan they have to live too. Won't be much of a resource if they are starving."

"Girls got a point." A man in the back mutters.

"25% that should be enough. We just have to have a very convincing argument on why they should partner up with us."

"Why the hell didn't I put you up here sooner. You came up with a better idea in twenty minutes while it takes these lazy fucks months to come up with an idea like that." Negan compliments me. "We will go at the end of the month, two weeks. Start planning and keep scoping them out. I want to know everything about these people, down to what fucking cereal they put in their bowl every morning." Negan adds as his men nod in agreement.

"Glad I could help." I smile.

"That you sure as fuck did." He smirks. But there's something about his expression that makes my stomach churn, and not in the good way. There's a darkness behind his smile and a hint of coldness behind his eyes. Sometimes I just wish I could know what he was thinking.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя