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"Does she get unlimited points?" Julie asks bitterly. Ever since Kendall walked out of the room it's nonstop fucking bitching from Julie. Like holy fuck, I finally got into that girls pants... 3 times... let me fucking savor the shit out of it.

"No. Of course she doesn't get unlimited fucking points. What the fuck does it matter to you anyway. What does any of this shit matter to you! It's not your fucking business who I'm sleeping with or what I'm fucking doing. If you don't like the fucking deal then leave. You can be sleeping on the bottom fucking floor working for points. Or you can keep your whore mouth shut and mind your damn business. Choice is yours darlin' and I sure as shit don't have all day for you to fucking decide."

"You know, it's not fair. You always find someone new to chase after."

"Well no shit. I've always dreamt about fucking a bunch of different women. There's no better fucking time to do it than during the end of the damn world. You think you mean something to me? You think she does? No, not really. You're dead ass fucking wrong. She makes a good set of hands at getting shit done and you make a good outlet when I need to get laid, that's all there is to it. You chose to be here, don't forget that. Now unless you're here to suck my dick get out of my room or get sucking because Kendall will be back in twenty minutes and when she's here to work I want you the fucking shit gone."

She wants to say something smart. It's written all over her pornstar face. But she doesn't. She turns on her heels and leaves. Was I actually gonna let her suck my dick? Yeah, probably, I can't have them thinking I'm going flaccid for another woman. I usually call for sherry, or another one of my wives, to make it seem like I'm fucking them but really all I do is give them gifts. Shitty gifts. Materialistic bullshit gifts that don't mean shit in a world like this. Gifts only they would find any type of joy in. Kendall wouldn't, she's be grateful but she wouldn't paint her nails, she wouldn't wear jewelry. She'd say it would get in the way. She's a working girl and I admire the shit out of that. She wouldn't survive a day in the wives room.

Fuck Negan maybe you are going soft for her, fuck. No... I'm just high off the sex, that's it. Any man would be. That's all I wanted and I got it. So why can't I just move the fuck on, send her back to her old job.

Oh right, because that'd be a douchebag thing to do to her. But when did I suddenly start caring? I open the door to my room and see Nick knocking on her door. Oh sweet fucking innocent Nicky boy. The too gentle giant who can't rock her bones like I sure as fuck did. I kind of want to tell him, give him a little kick in the nuts. But I don't. He likes her, a fucking blind man could see that. And that's something I do not like. Not one fucking bit. I know she isn't one of my 'wives' but the idea of any guy getting to see what I saw rubs my dick the wrong fucking way. I mean I already told everyone she was my wife, so they don't talk to her. But Nick, Nick always finds a way.

She may not be the type to put out but she's a women with needs that she may not want me to always fucking provide, although I sure as shit would have no problem in doing so.

"Expecting someone boss?" Nick asks. It takes me a minute to come out of my own damn thoughts.

"Uh. No, what uh, what are you doing up here anyways?"

"Oh, uh, just wanted to see if Kendall wanted to get breakfast before she started working sir."

"You know... that run those saviors were talking about going on? Up at the old Mill?"

"Yes sir."

"Why don't you go along with them?"

"You sure sir? I thought you said that was too dangerous?"

"Nah, if we send enough men it'll all work out Fine. You can even lead them."

"Oh I'm not so sure if I'm ready for that sir..."

"Make me proud." I say patting the boy on his back. The old mill is a small town a mile or two away. I scoped it out with Simon and it was filled, fucking filled to the brim with walkers. Crawling with the dead fuckers. He'll never survive. Now, I don't like to waste my men, but the ones I risk die for good cause. If they are able to distract them, my more trained saviors can move in and kill them. There's some really good fucking supplies that we need to keep going. I saw a hospital, good medical supplies. Sure this fucker will surely die. But it'll kill two birds with one stone. Solving both my problems. We will have more medical supplies, and he won't be around Kendall anymore.

Is it a little sadistic and extreme? Yeah. But I've got to do what it takes to keep majority people alive. And we are so scarce on food and medicine. This is our only option. Boy dies a hero.

"Alright. Well, I'll go let them know."

"Good luck kid."

"I won't let you down sir."

"No. You most certainly will fucking not." I smile going back into my room and shutting the door.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora