Never Falling In Line

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Night finally rolls around as I finish up my shower debating on what it is I'm going to do. I walk over to my clothes and decide what to wear. I don't want to wear something too nice in case I run into Negan he'll be super suspicious. So I just opt for some jeans and a solid color tee shirt. It's presentable but not anything fancy. I slip on a pair of sneakers and put my hair up into a ponytail and am on my way. I feel very nervous walking through the halls in case I run into Negan but thankfully for me he seems nowhere to be found. I'm hoping he's out on a run somewhere far away from here but in reality he's probably just fucking one of his wives.

I hesitantly knock on the door, this feels so very wrong. I mean I don't even know this guy, I don't know his intentions but here I am anyways. The door swings open a couple seconds later as I shuffle myself into his room. He's got a deck of cards out set up at a table.

"Thought maybe we could play, if you're into it." He shrugs.

"Sure I'm not very good though." I admit sitting at the table as he hands me a beer. If it wasn't already shut I would've declined it. I inspect it for a moment before opening it. "Thanks." I mumble

"So... what's your story?" He asks taking a swig of his beer.

"I'll tell you mine if you share yours first." I say skeptical of him still.

"Not much of a story. Was working as a mechanic not too far from here. The world went to shit, I needed a place to go, so here I am. Grew up a few miles from here. Dead beat dad, mom left early on couldn't take me or my brother. Brother grew up, moved out and left me behind." He explains setting down a card. "And you?"

"From Pennsylvania, I was a teetering college dropout. The world went to shit parents and brother left before I got home. Decided I was better on my own anyways. Stumbled upon Negan and he took me in." I explain making my move.

"Long way from home." He states setting another card down.

"Wasn't much of a home to begin with." I say making another move. "So I don't get it. What's the fascination with me? Why are you taking such a risk?"

"Well sure you're a good looking girl but I think I like you're personality most. Never seen anyone stand up to Negan the way you do. Well, and not be shot on the spot for it or beaten to a pulp."

"Doesn't make sense to me either, trust me. Sometimes I think I wish he would just clobber me over the head. End it all for me."

"Don't talk like that."

"It's true, if he doesn't kill you for disrespecting him you sure are gonna wish you were." I shrug placing down a card.

"Where were you gonna go?"

"What?" I ask

"Well I was there at hilltop. I saw you tried to run. Where were you gonna run to?"

"Wherever. As far away from here as possible. All the way back to Pennsylvania if I had to. Or maybe somewhere new. Somewhere west. But I wasn't really thinking that in the moment. All I was thinking was how much distance I could create between me and Negan."

"I get it. I think of running sometimes too. But I guess this place isn't half bad. I mean sure it's shit but out there's probably shittier."

"I wouldn't know. I'm never allowed to leave at this point. Not only is nobody allowed to talk to me. I'm not allowed to leave the Sanctuary."

"Well that's some bullshit."

"Tell me about it. You seem like a cool guy. I mean it when I say you should stay away from me. It's not that I want you to, it's for your safety more so than mine."

"I appreciate the concern. But trust me, I'll be fine." He says putting another card down. "Psh, you win." He says realizing I had won the game.

"Beginners luck." I shrug off. He must've let me win because I suck at any and every card game possible.

"Don't you think it'd be easier if you know... listened to him. I'm not saying you should but seems like it'd save you some trouble."

"Then he wins... I'm one of the only people who can knock him down a peg and get away with it for the most part. Without that he'll just take on full dictatorship and I just won't fall in line to that. I know once I lose that grasp on myself and on him it'll be nearly impossible to get that back. I don't want to be seen as another object or toy of his. You know there's a leader and then there's... Negan. Who's more of a tyrant. More of a 'dick' than a dictator." I explain as he laughs dryly at my joke.

"Well you're not wrong but it's a difficult thing standing up to him. He knows exactly how to get what he wants and has no sympathy for those who get in his way."

"I know. Which is exactly why I said you should stay away. If you get in his way who knows what he'll do to you."

"I like talking to you Kendall. You get it. You're real and authentic and not like everyone else in this dump."

"I like talking to you too Chase." I smirk as we stare for a moment into each others eyes. "Well I better get out of here before Negan notices I've gone off somewhere."

"I'd walk you out but probably shouldn't."

"Probably not." I agree as I sneak out.

"Hey-" he stops me mid path


"I'll uh, I'll see you around." He says getting closer to me.

"I'll see you." I smirk and before anything can go any further I remove myself from the room and sneak as quickly back to my room as possible.

Thankfully I'm able to make it back to the room without any issues. I lock the door behind me and lay on my bed. Finally I had someone who would talk to me, who would understand what I was going through and what this place really is. Someone who doesn't see me as this person who's tied down to Negan. Someone who sees me as an individual. I'm slowly starting to drift in and out of sleep when I hear something or someone shuffling at my door. I sit up cautiously as I see a piece of paper slowly appearing from under my door. I pick it up and open it suspiciously.


I figure if I can't talk to you I might as well write. Had fun tonight. Let's do it again sometime, like maybe, tomorrow night? Same time if you're into it.


I hold the slip of paper in my hand and find myself smirking.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now