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After my screaming therapy I walk back down into the building and exit on my floor. The building is still very quiet I assume since everyone is still moving all the stuff they brought back. I open the door to my floor and see Negan. I quickly try to exit off of this floor as quick as possible but apparently I'm not quick enough.

"KENDALL." I hear booming down the hallway.


"NOW!" He demands moments later

Double fuck.

Not wanting to make things worse I reappear onto the top floor. I stand in place and just stare at him.

"GO." He demands pointing to his room. I drag my feet as I surrender and head towards his room sighing to myself in defeat.

He is quick to shut the door behind me as I stand in the middle of the room.

"Take a seat" he says in the calmest tone I've heard him talk in all day. It's off putting but I still sit down. We just glance at each other for a brief moment.

"I'm waiting for my damn apology." He finally says breaking the silence

"Well you're going to be waiting a while." I snap realizing I said that out loud and not in my head. A flash of regret fills my face but I try my best to mask it.

"You're really on a fucking roll today with that fucking mouth. If you keep talking like that I might have to put it to better use."

Silence once again fills the air. I know exactly what he's doing. Neither of us are going anywhere until he gets the apology that he wants. But he's not getting one. He just murdered someone in a fucked up public execution and for what? For some livestock and crops we could've gotten without wreaking havoc on the place.

"You're not getting an apology." I state bluntly as he just stared intensely at me for a painfully slow moments

"You just don't fucking get it do you?" He sighs out

"Get what?"

"All that I fucking do for you. And for this place. To keep you safe to keep the saviors-"

"Yeah what a name. some real saviors. But who is it you're really saving Negan if you're out there killing the innocent huh?"

"I'm saving my people! You just don't understand how this shit fucking works do you? You realize those people would've killed you in an instant to save that boy's head I turned into fucking gravy earlier."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I sure as fuck do. That's your problem you're too damn trusting. You think if we mind our manners everything is gonna become rainbows and sunshine and we will all frolic in the woods together like a God damn Disney movie. well I hate to tell you princess but the only thing out there these days is shit and more shit and that's a hard pill you're just going to have to swallow because if you fucking don't and keep living in your fantasy land you're gonna choke on the fucking harsh truth of reality. You need to start listening to me. When I say jump you damn well better ask me how fucking high. Because that shit you pulled today in front of everyone, in front of my men? That shit does not fly with me. Abso-fucking-loutely not for one second. If it was any other fucking person I would've shot them point blank the second they stepped out of line. I've made a lot of exceptions for you Kendall. A fucking lot of them. But today you made your fucking bed, and now you're gonna have to fucking lie in it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well you really didn't think you were gonna get through this without getting punished now did you?" His tone darkens.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin