Taken Too Far

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I can't believe she would just up and leave like this. She knows how I feel about her just roaming around the compound after what happened to her, she couldn't have left for good could she? No, she needs me, she fucking NEEDS me. Sure as shit more than I need her, that's for fucking sure. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna search every inch of this fucking place til I find her. I decide to do it myself, I don't want to get others involved. Plus it's late as shit which only makes my patience thinner. I check the rec room, the cafeteria, where the fuck could she be? Then I remember, the rooftop.

I haul ass up the stairs and throw open the door. The breeze hits my face, it is eerily silent up here and I can't see much of anything. I look around as my eyes adjust but she isn't here. Fuck. I look over the edge of the building and off into the distance I see a few of the dead fuckers drawn to something. One by one they begin to fall, she's out there killing them. Why?

I leave the sanctuary and walk out of the gates to where I saw her and sure enough she's huffing and grunting as she kills the undead. I'm not gonna lie, it is sexy as fuck seeing her being all badass. But it was way too late for this shit. The final one drops dead and she drops with it. Her small hands go to her face and it is clear she is exhausted. Her small frame giving out, but her stubborn mind won't surrender. She wipes her slightly prominent nose and pushes her dark beautiful hair out of her face. The moonlight glistens off the tears as they slip down her face. I'm tempted to just leave and let her be but I can't. She turns around almost startled to see me.

"Go away Negan." She warns under her breath, another dead one comes up to her and she swings a rusty axe right through its skull.

"I'm not going any fucking place until you come back in."

"Why do you care! Why do you fucking care what I fucking do! I know how you are, and you will NEVER change. Don't think I didn't hear how you used to be. Don't think I didn't hear how you treated your wife. Don't think for a second that I don't have a fucking clue of what kind of man you are!"

"Careful" I warn her taking an intimidating step towards her but she doesn't budge.

"Fuck you Negan. You disappointed your wife, cheating on her while she was suffering? How much lower can you fucking get? You've always been scared to commit! You failed your wife, and you've failed me. You're a fucking disappointment... No wonder she died hating you." She whispers the last part under her breath.

before I can control myself I see red. I reach out and smack her across her pretty mouth and grabbing her by the hair I push her roughly against a wall. I immediately regret my action as she just stares at me in a mixture of shock and anger. Her hand reaches behind her head as crimson liquid appears on her fingertips. She looks back at me as if I was a fucking monster. And in this moment, I truly feel I am. Before I can say another word to her she turns hot on her heels and walks herself back to the sanctuary. It takes a second for me to snap out of what just happened.

"Kendall! Fuck." I exclaim as I punch the cement wall nearly crushing every bone in my hand. I walk back to the sanctuary. How could I go against my own fucking principles of hurting a woman, man do I feel like fucking scum. But Kendall, she just doesn't know when to fucking stop. I know I should go after her, but I don't even know what to fucking say. I'm still fuming, and if she comes back to me... well that would just justify the shit out of what I fucking just did. I can't ever do that shit again, never fucking ever. I've beat the holy hell out of men for doing that shit. And I think what bothers me the most is she is fucking right. Every word she said.

I walk back into the sanctuary to the infirmary and ask for sleeping pills. I then go down to the cafeteria and get two cups of tea. I know, it's fucked up. I'm about to slip her some sleeping pills hours after she was roofied. But I'm tired as shit.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now