48: Against Her Own Blood

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"Oh~ then how are you gonna execute my granddaughter without any evidence? Did you not understand why am I here?" The witch walks past Rayll, causing the soldiers to step back while holding their swords.

The dukes couldn't intervene because they knew both of them to have matters unresolved. The prince couldn't fight for her mother since he lacks knowledge of the witch.

"Wait a minute! why didn't you got executed when you almost destroyed this rotten empire?" The villainess asks, pulling the chains to gain attention. The witch turn to gaze at her and smiled once again. Every time she looks at Knile, it reminds her of that time people failed to properly execute her.

"Lack of evidence." She answered, earning a grunt from a certain duchess.

"Enough of this! Can we proceed to the trial?!" The duchess of Wysteria abruptly stood as she slammed her hands on the table. Some people agreed, not interested in the drama they were witnessing.

"Ah, you must be the mother of the dead magician!"


"Don't mention him Hyphy. I believe there's a reason why you killed him." The duchess glared at the witch who innocently blinks.

"Oh my!" The witch covered her lips. "You're as clever as always old friend!"

The side characters gasp. (Should I apologize?)

"Just tell me the reason why. You consider me as a friend so why did you take the soul of my son?" The duchess clenches her fist as she tries not to cry. There was no time to grief from his son's death since her rational judgment is needed for the trial. Unlike the empress who was given a resting time, she wasn't permitted.

The witch was quite shocked as to how her old friend understood her actions. It felt good for her.

Even though she didn't plan to say it, her emotions force her.

"I had a vision and I think he had too. He was the one who asked for my help and not me. He pursued me to assist his friends because I was the only one who can do it. I'm quite sure that he knows he's gonna die in the hands of his friend."

"He never told me that." Eyes widen in fear, Rayll stood there terrified. "Your lying, you're just trying to save yourself." The duchess who lost his son started sobbing, instantly accepting her words.

"That is how you view things." The villainess spoke, immediately understanding the situation.

'I wonder when is he gonna receive character development. I'm tired of seeing such handsome face act stupid.'

"Though, why would Rayll kill him?"

'Why would captured targets kill each other? Is it because of the heroine? Are they that crazy for the heroine?'

"It's because of you Knile."

Everyone must've heard it wrong.

They would kill each other for the villainess who killed million?

"Eh? What do you mean?"

'I don't understand. Did I seduce them?'

"There was that time where both of them furiously disagree, fortunately, it didn't happen for it was in the future. That situation was created by you."

'So they didn't fall in love with me or something? This seriously screams no matter what you do, their hearts are only for the heroine to accept.'

'Unlike the other villainess story I read, seducing characters and even showing vulnerability to them is quite ridiculous in this world. It doesn't work that way. I'm glad I didn't try that possibility.'

'Though, I'm guessing the appearance of this witch stops me from creating that situation she's speaking of. It should've been great if she didn't appear. Because of the magician sacrificing himself for this fictional empire, I didn't achieve that result.'

'He should've been more selfish about his life.'

"But even so, you shouldn't killed him." Rayll said while glaring at the witch who showed no emotion.

"If I didn't do it, half of the empire would be destroyed. I said it before didn't I, you carry his blood. Even though it is said you don't have the curse, that's just a lie. You can still awaken it, leading your friend and the empire to be annihilated. After that, you'll kill yourself for the unbearable guilt your feeling." That explanation made him shut up.

The witch lowers her head, her hat manages to hide her red eyes that hold sorrow and pity.

'I prefer not to see Rayll demolish this empire because of his outburst that leads to the demise of others. The insanity will consume him without him realizing it, which would produce intense remorse. I don't like how you will murder yourself because of a particular curse that corrupts this family. I prefer this timeline where you blame me instead of blaming yourself. It's much better this way. I don't wish for you to understand.'

She thought, she then raise her head with confidence and gazed at the villainess who was deep in thoughts.

'I hate the fact that a curse from the dragon 300 years ago can greatly affect the present timeline and create such chaos through a lady. The empire lost a total population of million and prominent workers, also decreasing the rate of prosperity. The rate of destruction receive is equal to the aftermath of the great war. Compared to the war, humans knew their opponents. But today? They didn't even notice she is their enemy. Maybe this is why the dragon passes a curse to a human. Maybe he thought why not let them kill each other? If they had the guts to start a war with dragons, why not manipulate an entire family and their descendants to annihilate humanity?
Besides, isn't it much better for a human himself to destroy humanity?'

'If this theory is true, that must be the reason why I went insane and almost cast a destructive spell towards this empire.'


'The magician should've stayed childish and selfish. Another unexpected character growth. He from the manga is different in this world.' The villainess thought.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this kind of situation. I'm guessing you didn't create a plan for this since you firmly believe in yourself that you will achieve success." The witch stated while the villainess lowers her head. That was true for her. She didn't expect the surprising change and sudden appearance.

'I hate surprises.'

Everyone was abruptly quiet. No false accusations, their confidence seems to decrease after hearing such tragedy. Even the mother of the empire who was arguing with her keep silent.

The emotions the duchess was feeling stop her from thinking rationally. Duchess Leyn stood next to her, trying to calm her. The elders recognize Hyphy's actions and they realized she still cares for the people, as an empress should be.

Astley and Nash sat there, covering their face. They were surprised Arundel will go to such lengths for everyone. The problem about being a great magician is they knew too much and they can't possibly tell it to other people. That makes them carry the burden alone.

The realization of their friend dying hit them again.

The prince and the heroine were weeping as well. But then again, one was fake.

The only thing different was that the prince understood everything but doesn't feel the need to waste his emotions and grief.

The heroine doesn't fully understand the situation but greatly expresses a depressing mood. She was asking herself why Arundel did that without letting her know.

"And if anyone is still doubting me, keep in mind I'm the witch who can see through time. If you can't accept the fact that Arundel sacrifices himself for me to be here, then you should probably leave. Your mind is too small and shallow to comprehend."

"I'll properly say this, I am not here today as the witch who threatens the empress and the empire. I am not here as the banish aristocrat. I am not someone lower than you, I'm an equal... Or maybe better."

"I am here today as a witness to her chaos. I am here as of today to properly fulfill my obligation as a citizen to this Empire."

I Will Die As The Villainess √Where stories live. Discover now