20: Against The Villainess

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Knile Hyll Reiss Pov

"Lady Knile, pleasure meeting you. I am Asteria Leigh."

I have waited for an eternity,
Surrounded by gloomy darkness,
I can't seem to find my light,
A power that will save me from this emptiness.

And yes, since we're in a medieval setting, I suppose we should be at least poetic. But it seems like I need to study more.

I can't see and don't have any idea what she currently looks like. A shame indeed. I planned to insult her but I can't.

"We already meet lady Astaria."

Ah yes, I plan not to meet you again heroine, but fate persists ever since the original story isn't flowing anymore. It was also both our mistake as to why everything is a mess.

"Calling me Asteria is just fine Lady Knile. And what happened to your eyes?"

Is she trying to be friendly?

"No, no, I insist. As you can see lady Asteria my eyes stop functioning. I was hoping you could heal it with your light magic."

A bit demanding and that's ok.

"Oh! I can easily heal it if that's what you want!" She loudly exclaimed. "Though, if it isn't that much to ask, how and what happened exactly my lady?"

Exactly? Does that mean there are rumors already? And it should be fine saying some information right?

"I was attacked by assassins. I'm afraid that's the only information I have to give since it is confidential."

It could be you who sent the assassins though, the chances are low.

"Oh no! Thank goodness you survive. Though worry, not Lady Knile, I will heal you anyways!" She was back to her cheerful self? That's a bit suspicious. Or maybe I can't understand people that much. Especially those people with too much happiness and optimism. She seems pretty confident with her magic, an attitude she doesn't have from the original story. I wonder how many traits and characteristics change...

The heroine is created to be a perfect confusion for the villainess so that harmony will never enter between them. You can't just hold grudge towards someone for no reason so misunderstanding, envy, and a bunch of emotions should be involved. Though this idea collapses when the heroine explains things that would make the villainess admire them or vice versa.

Knile with a cold and gloomy disposition and Asteria, bright and cheery as the sun.

Perhaps it was inevitable people felt comfortable and loved Asteria more than Knile.

"Lady Knile, are you ready to be healed?" She happily asks which brought me back to reality.

"Is it needed to ask such things?"

"Of course!" She excitedly spoke and she then chants the spells she needed.

It's quite strange, a heroine helping a villainess that will soon do something evil.

A villainess and a heroine, with those words alone you can easily tell who's evil and good.

It's always a black and white representation until you learned the reasons why they become like that. After analyzing more into the information, you cannot choose who's good or evil anymore.

A black and white kind of thinking, if a person is said to commit a crime then he is seen as evil. Words alone can easily destroy someone and something, a powerful tool indeed.

I suppose that kind of thinking is somehow beneficial since I'm a villainess. Once I slander someone, people will just think if it was true or not. They will not consider what they call half true and half false unless you show how emotionally affected you are or with evidence. This kind of thinking might also destroy me.

Though why am I even thinking such things?

Maybe because I might used it?

"It's done now, my lady. The spell is a success!"

"Then leave."


Ah, I subconsciously said something harsh. Old habits die hard I suppose.

"Ah, that wasn't intended."

"It wasn't?"


That was a bit annoying.

"My lady, should we try taking off the bandage?" Celestia spoke making me aware she was in the room with us. Ah, she was so silent I completely had forgotten her existence.

"I don't think so and I don't feel well. It looks like this is a goodbye lady Asteria. We can just talk about your rewards on my birthday." I lied, touching my forehead in the process. Just leave me alone. I need to think about the upcoming celebration.

"Ah, well then, take care, my lady. I don't want to disrupt your rest." She immediately understood it and I think she left.

I don't want her to see my jewel eyes. Anyways, now that she's gone and my sense of sight returned, I need to start working on something.

"Shall I take off the bandage?"

"Not yet," I answered rather fast. "And before I forget, what's the result of your investigation about dark magic?"

"The information is limited to a minimum since the Holy Church keeps the ancient books. Though, the thing I learned is that Dark Magic is only taught by dragons. But, my lady wasn't taught by such creatures so I studied more and I found something interesting. Dark magic can also be inherited through a curse by a dragon. Controlling such magic was said to be risky and only people with dark and cunning intent can only control it. Shadow magic is the easiest to control but it is required to learn an ancient language to properly use it. I'm afraid my knowledge is limited to that." She softly stated.

"I understand, thank you."

The curse was indeed mentioned in the story but its origins and effects are unknown. The only thing mentioned in the story is that the villainess was suffering from a curse when she was a child but it was stopped by her mother, with something. I suppose she tried to eradicate the curse but failed miserably.

The mother died while doing so. She was portrayed as a loving mother in the manga. Of course, that manga was written and showed through the heroine's perspective so it is not known if she was indeed a good and loving mother.

Now we need to unravel a lot of mysteries. I also need to figure out if the curse applies to this foreign soul.

Everything is just becoming hard for me. Fate is showing me what it takes to be a villainess...

But I can just ignore it......

But I can't.

I don't have anything to say but,

Thank you.

Ok that contradicted.

I Will Die As The Villainess √Where stories live. Discover now