81: Dead Souls

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Beam of light appeared from the sky and was directed at the girl. Lightning flashed and thunders roar, ravens started flying away from the area only to be blown by strong winds.

The ground beneath her dead vessel slowly cracks while the skies turn blood red. The region resembled the Great War from 300 years ago but there were no dragons nor living humans in sight. It was destruction. With blood tainting the air and creatures spreading havoc, perhaps it was clear he won?

The creatures surrounding her vessel vanish silently, possibly not even knowing they died for it occurred fast. So quick her eyes couldn't even comprehend what happened.

"Ah, it hurts to admit you were right all along."

Her dark hair harshly dances with the strong winds coming from the east and the cloak she received from him fluttered before it was harshly blown, again and again, causing her to dramatically sigh. The metal rings that adorned and were hang on her cloak created noises as she stares at the distance.

The sight of the clock tower falling into ruin, the timeless palace being eaten by flame, and the people turning into something frightening—it made her feel satisfied to watch the chaos.

"If it weren't for your grandfather's illusion magic, you would've been dead. It was predictable the original Knile will kill you for many reasons. Perhaps you were blinded by her generosity you haven't thought of her betrayal?"

He questioned as he calmly drinks tea. The wind was indeed ferocious but with the help of slight dark magic, he wasn't disturbed. His purplish hair remained perfectly still as he crosses his legs and glance at her lustrous orbs.

With the help of a little trigger, the empire became their stage and Astaria played the role of a tragic heroine who only wished to feel loved. As the spectators, they enjoyed yet complained about the actors and actresses.

"Maybe? She was the first person who showed understanding and sympathy to me. That created something in my heart which by now, faded." She pauses and glance at him. "By the way, is he dead? Her grandfather?"

"Yes. I instructed him to use every mana and technique he had which lead him to exhaustion then death. Are you somehow, feeling awful for him?"


Her words were cut short by the sudden light that engulfed their visions. The beam of light—which was the source— somehow exploded without them sensing it and lights scattered everywhere before fading. The fortress slowly moved above the burning homes as they stare at the standing woman surrounded by moving magic circles that emits orange particles.

Above her head drifts a magic circle turning counter-clockwise. Inside the circle was a star radiating the orange particles that light her now jewel eyes.

On her left, right, and beneath her feet; a magic circle was present. Her hair turned into the color of snow and the air gently blew it, as if praising her. This receives envy from the villainess since the fierce wind tied her hair into knots, as if mocking her.

Staring closely, Kyoko can see the enormous mana encircling the heroine. Her dull orange jewel eyes were enough for Kyoko to halt her breath as they stare at each other for a second.

She then felt his cold hands grabbing her by the waist and both fell from the fortress before it exploded into fragments. Those fragments then, cease to exist.

Her lips twisted into a smile as she watches the fortress fade. It was amusing how the heroine's stare manages to eradicate the fortress.

The villain notice how she was lost in her world and sigh as he tightly embraced her.

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