The last time

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You lay in the grass outside the dorms, your eyes stared at the stars as tears filled your eyes, "fuck..," you mumbled before sitting up and wiping your eyes, then you felt the presence of someone else, it was Kokichi, he sat next to you and smiled.

"(Y/N). I hope you had fun! Ahaha! I mean in this killing game of course," he grinned, "of course I can't keep anything away from you, ultimate lie detector." You looked him in the eyes, "ah.. why do I bother trying to lie to you? Its fun I guess, anyways," Kokichi cut himself off when he heard Maki, Shuichi, and Kaito coming, he pushed you away from him and stood up. "(Y/N)! I dont know why you'd suspect me to be the mastermind! I mean...okay they're gone," Kokichi went back to his normal self and grumbled.

You went to hug him but he stopped you, "I'm fine."
"Kokichi.. you aren't okay, losing Gonta was hard on all of us, some more than others but still! Please you," you were cut off by Kokichi kissing you on the lips for the last time. He held you tightly and sighed, "I have a plan and its dangerous. Please just whatever you do dont fight against the plan when it happens. I love you. Goodbye," he stood up and left, you watched him leave in horror, he's acting so distant one second the next he's kissing you goodbye? You sighed and curled up in the grass.


You woke up in the grass to a frantic Shuichi. "(Y/N)! Have you seen Kokichi?!"

To be Continued

Part Time Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now