Found a Liar

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"Shirogane," what would she have to lie about? She seems so innocent and persuasive, "Shirogane, your hair looks amazing!"
"Oh why thank you L/N! Though it is really plain," Shirogane responds, she hasn't let down her guard, what does she know? What is she hiding?
"Shirogane, are you hiding something," you ask, before lying yourself and saying, "you just seem tense."
"Oh! I'm sure we are all pretty tense right now, we were all just put into this, why would my plain self peak your interest," Shirogane's guard seems to be letting down, you're about to ask what she knows when...

"L/N~," a loud, annoying, voice shouts. Kokichi Oma, "L/N!! Ehehe!! Your dorm is near mine!!"
"That's great Oma now leave," you respond quickly, "Shirogane, we should go for now.."
"Agreed, Kokichi can't be trusted," Shirogane stood up and left the room, your follow not to long afterwards.

Time passes, we've been put on a timer, the music blasts through the halls that you walk through frantically, trying to root out the most suspicious activity when you see a large group walk downstairs and not too long after Kaede and Shuichi, you then walk to the dining hall. There you see a small group of people, which includes Korekiyo Shinguji eating spaghetti, Tsumugi and Kokichi are nowhere to be found, that's when you turn around and see Shirogane walk in.
That's when... ding dong "A body has been discovered! All students head to the Library!" ding dong.

"What," you look around, the only person who seems the least phased is Shirogane, you quickly walk to the basement and to the library, there you see the group that had previously walked to the basement. The most frightened is Kaede Akamatsu. You turn the corner and there you see Rantaro Amami, talent unknown, you survey the faces of the people, two people seem the most suspicious but something isn't right...

To be continued

Part Time Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now