The Truth of Liars

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An exisal arrived, Monokuma seemed a little frustrated with whoever was inside but soon calmed. The exisal got behind Kokichi's podium.
"Kokichi... is that actually you," you whispered, your eyes wide.
"You guys thought I died?! I would never, no way! I'm gonna live, 'till I die," the voice was Kokichi's.
It wasn't long before the exisal went to Kaito's podium and Kaito's voice left the exisal. You felt your emotions flowing, filling your mind up like a glass about to shatter.

You couldn't stand talking for the rest of the trial, no matter how much you wanted justice, you began to silently cry at your podium as Shuichi began to argue with the others about the culprit. The words of others weren't processing, only Shuichi's.

"An impossible trick.. unless the victim and culprit agreed beforehand." Shuichi's voice sounded serious. "It sounds bizarre but perhaps that was the whole point." You couldn't shake the feeling of dread rising in your chest with each sentence. "Commit a crime so confusing that even Monokuma would be tricked," Shuichi explained. Sounds like a plan that crazy idiot Kokichi would think of. You were frozen still, the room was silent after Monokuma asked if we'd figured out the culprit.
Soon Maki and Shuichi began arguing, you couldn't deny feeling bad for Maki, she obviously had a crush on Kaito but either way he will be gone, you're in the same situation. Then you heard Shuichi, "I will show you the truth... The truth you cant deny!" You froze, and looked at him, tears filling your eyes. He explained every single bit of the case to everyone in the trial room.
Your heart sank when you heard the words, "...It's you isn't it? Kaito Mamota! The ultimate astronaut!" Shuichi continues, "I'm right, aren't I? Thats you in there, isn't it, Kaito?"
"Really? Is it really Kaito," Tsumugi asked, a worried expression worn on her face.
Kiibo spoke up, "I must reluctantly agree with Shuichi's deduction—."
"Man, Shuichi sure love his cuh-raaaazy deductions," Kokichi's voice again came from the exisal. You wish he would stop, it's only making you hurt more.
"Huh," Maki looked to the exisal.
Himiko soon spoke up, "you're.. still not gonna admit it?"
"Admit it? But its wrong," Kokichi's voice rang.
Your eyes stung with tears you furrow your brows, wanting to know the meaning behind all of this.
"Come on Monokuma, start the voting all ready," it's still kokichi's voice, you wanted to pull that fucker out and punch him but instead of voting Shuichi started another discussion, one full of lies.
"Kokichi, I'm sorry, I just...can't lie for you anymore," Shuichi lied, you realized what he was doing and pretended you didn't notice.
"What do you mean lie," Maki questioned
"Why did you say "Kokichi"? The one in the exisal is—," Tsumugi pointed out.
"Im so sorry everyone," Shuichi, dear, you're such a bad liar, "I've deceived you all." Even monoshit is confused. "The truth is...after we saw the crushed body, I...saw Kokichi."
"Nyeh?! You saw Kokichi?!" Himiko sounded offended.
"Yes. He threatened me, told me that if I didn't do what he said he'd kill us all," Shuichi shut up, that's so obvious. "He wanted me to lie about what I saw so the trial would be more interesting...but I cant do it anymore! I can't keep on lying like this," damn he needs acting classes, Shuichi, stubborn as ever, continues, "I have to tell the truth...Kokichi isn't dead! He's alive!" You wish that were true.
"H-hold on! Why did you wait until now to mention this," good question Kiibo if this wasn't a split second decision.
"Im so sorry, Kiibo, but... it's true," Shuichi you're making a fool of yourself, I know 1st graders who are better at lying than you. "Everyone please, don't vote for Kaito! There's no doubt about it, Kokichi is in that exisal! He's the culprit!"
"Hey Shuichi, I don't know what you're scheming...but as far as I'm concerned you guys aren't extras at all," even Monokuma knew, damn, "so if you're wrong, you're gonna hafta take your punishments like champs! Got it!?"
Shuichi balled his fists and stated, "I'm not wrong. We can't vote for Kaito!"

"Stop it! That's enough," it was Kaito's voice, coming from the exisal, everyone seemed confused but he continued, "'s over."
Kaito came out of the exisal, your eyes widening as the tears finally fell down your chin in rapid succession. "N-no..."
"If you guys get it wrong and Monokuma gets it right...then you'll all get punished," Kaito's tone was soft, he wore a gentle smile on his face as if trying to comfort us. You felt all sorts of emotions, sorrow, pity, anger, and bewilderment, but you just stood in silence.

The votes appeared on screen, all of us voted for Kaito. Everyone stood there behind their podiums, soon you could hear crying, it was Maki. The grieving girl yelled and cried, talking to Kaito before he is sent to execution. You felt a hand on you back, Shuichi. "Hey.. Y/N, you going to be okay," he asked in a whisper, you broke down and shook your head, the streams of tears becoming heavier and heavier. He wrapped and arm around you before letting you go.

"Hey! Y/N," Kaito was calling for you, you walked over to him, "I'm sorry about Kokichi, was all his plan," he was apologizing, to you of all people, you balled up your fist and punched him in the shoulder.
"Kaito! I won't forget you bastard. You... did what you could... that's what Kokichi would've- would've wan-wanted," you choked back your tears and put on a fake smile. Soon the execution began. You watched, holding onto Maki who was shaking and crying, you understood her pain.
You noticed something, an error in the execution, Kaito died to his illness! When the rocket returned Kiibo shielded you all with his own body. The door opened and Kaito's body laid there with a smile on his face.

The execution was over, but the feeling remains and the mastermind continues to lurk.

Part Time Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang