Bonus Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! Long time, no see! I know its been a while since I last posted on here, but I promise I am still writing and hopefully I'll have something new up for you all soon :) 

Anyway in honor of Kurt's birthday I thought I'd post a bonus chapter from After The Party! I still adore these characters and have some bonus chapters/deleted scenes from when I originally wrote this fic that never quite fit in to the story!

This one was actually cut from Chapter 34, which took place during Nirvana's "In Concert" taping for ABC. I wrote this whole part where Lily was the interviewer for one of my favorite Nirvana interviews but because of how long the chapter was already, I had to cut it. I linked the interview up here so you can watch it, I tried to the chapter as accurate as I could to the interview and it was low key really fun *as nerdy as that sounds*!

ANYWAY, now that I've set it up, without further ado, here is my interpretation of if Lily had once been allowed to interview the band. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

"Alright, get ready for your closeup -- the interview starts in a few minutes" Says the band's manager John Silva and everybody groans.

"Come on John, do we have to?" Dave whines.

"Yeah guys, you do. The other two bands playing tonight are doing it so you will be too—all three of you. No negotiation" He replies and everyone grumbles again.

Once they get set up with mics and get situated in a good spot for the cameras Kurt yells out, "I'd like to negotiate"

Everyone laughs but he keeps going, still serious, "What if Lily interviewed us instead?"

"Uh—Kurt come on" John says, looking slightly embarrassed.

"No I like that idea, the producer just told us the interviewer who would be asking the questions isn't going to be on camera." Krist interjects.

"If she isn't going to be on camera then what is the problem with Lily being the one who reads the words on the page? Plus we'll be more comfortable talking to her anyway—no offense" Dave adds.

"Would that be possible?" Asks John, turning to the producer. Lily can tell he was mostly asking just to appease the guys;  like her he was obviously assuming the network will say no.

"I mean if you really want to, I guess it doesn't matter whose reading out the questions for this. Its not like a hard-hitting interview its mostly just for promo." The producer shrugs. He looks exhausted, like he just wants to get this over as soon as possible so he can go home.

"You heard him Lil, get the questions, it's your big break kid" Krist calls out with a laugh.

"What? No way guys, I can't just take someone's job away" Lily says incredulously, before adding in a quieter tone, "What if she was really looking forward to interviewing you"

They all look over at the reporter who was sitting in the corner with her feet up while chewing gum and reading a magazine.

"You're right, it seems like she'll be crushed" Dave deadpans as he turns back to Lily.

"Come on Lil, it'll be the only way press will even be sort of bearable today. Plus it'll give you something to do while we're working" Kurt says, squeezing her hand to try to convince her with affection.

"You're right, I'm always at loss with ways to pass the time during your shows, I'm constantly complaining about it" She replies sarcastically but when Kurt pouts at her she finally gives in.

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