Chapter 8 (Part 2)

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"Lily Hopper, when did you make your pretty little way back into Seattle?"

Lily nearly chokes at the sight of the person before her. It takes her a few seconds to speak again after standing there gaping for a moment.

"Leave me alone Quinn" She whispers finally, before turning on her heels and rushing over to the bar.

"Kurt, lets go watch the show from backstage, please. I know the promoter and I know the band, I can get us in." Lily says desperately, pulling on his sleeve like a little kid.

Kurt looks at her confusedly; she never had previously struck him as the VIP, backstage type. At every show they'd ever been to together, Lily's preferred spot had been the front of the crowd where she could dance in the pit and be up close to the music. Begging to go backstage seemed very out of character for her.

"What? We just bought drinks!" Krist laments and Lily's eyes flit between both of them, Kurt thinks for a second he might even see panic in them.

"Please guys, I'm sure they'll let you bring your drink." She begs before she decides she needs a believable excuse, "Mudhoney is one of my all time favorite bands, I want to actually be able to hear the music tonight"

The boys still look unconvinced but agree to follow her outside the venue in order to go around back. Lily lets out a sigh of relief, thinking they're home free but then she hears the familiar voice again, calling her name.

"Lily what the fuck? Did you actually just run away?" Quinn says in incredulous tone and the entire trio turns around in sync, in an almost cartoonish way.

"Quinn Johns? Is that you?" Krist says and Lily's heart sinks. She had been hoping that by some miracle they wouldn't have known each other.

"Quinn I told you to leave me alone" Lily says, sinking away and both Krist and Kurt look taken aback.

"Lil how do you know him?" Asks Kurt, looking increasingly confused.

"Yeah 'Lil,'" Quinn says with a smirk, using air quotes to mock Kurt, "How do you know me?"

Lily looks up at Kurt and he notices more than ever the fear and pain in her features, "This is my ex" Lily whispers to him and Kurt's eyes widened.

He'd only heard vague stories and off-hand comments from Lily about her ex, but absolutely none of them were positive. She'd never mentioned a name and Kurt couldn't believe Quinn Johns, one of the most well known fixtures in the Seattle music scene, was the ex that had cheated on her and emotionally manipulated her during the latter end of her high school years.

"I thought you left town, didn't you join a band in San Francisco?" Lily says and both Kurt and Krist can't help but notice every few seconds she inches closer behind both of them, seemingly trying to hide or protect herself from Quinn.

"Lily that was over a year ago, I've been back for months. I would've come by and found you by now but I don't really ever go back out by Aberdeen. I'm almost always in Seattle unless I'm touring." He says in a slightly arrogant way, "Do you want to grab a drink or something? A coffee?" He asks a second later, as though Lily wasn't disgusted at the sight of him.

"No, she doesn't" Kurt answers and Quinn rolls his eyes at him.

"Why don't we let 'Lil' speak for herself, huh Cobain?" He sneers, condescendingly referring to Kurt by his last name.

"Leave me alone Quinn" Lily repeats for the third time in ten minutes.

"Fuck off Johns, she asked you to leave her alone" Krist warns, stepping forward and it seems as though the physical intimidation from someone as large as Krist is what will finally get Quinn to stop.

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