Chapter 4

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"Lily, he's back" Says Ruth, rolling her eyes as Kurt walks through the door for the fourth day in a row, "And coincidentally its once again just in time for your shift break, isn't that funny?"

"Crazy coincidence" Lily replies, immediately hopping off the stool she was sitting on and grabbing her cigarettes.

"Hi" Kurt says with a flirtatious smile.

"Hi" Lily repeats, grinning back at him.

"I'll be back in fifteen" She calls out to Ruth as he leads her out into the parking lot.

"Where were you?" She asks once they get outside and he smirks before pushing her up against the wall.

"I'm so so sorry" He says teasingly, before kissing her.

"I'm glad you made it" Lily says in a raspy whisper before kissing him again. They continue making out like teenagers for the next ten minutes before coming up for air.

"So do you have plans tonight?" Kurt asks and she shakes her head. 

"Nope! And I don't work again until Sunday so I'm free as a bird" She replies and Kurt laughs.

Everything about Lily had him feeling different than he had about anyone in a long time, he had never been this genuinely happy for more than a day at a time, let alone almost a week. Everyday revolved around anticipating seeing her, finally spending a few hours with her, driving home while basking in the glory of this girl and then the night is looking forward to seeing her all over again.

"Come to a show with me tonight, I'm not playing but my friends are. It'll be fun I promise" Kurt offers and Lily nods enthusiastically.

"Really?" She asks with a huge grin and her excitement makes Kurt smile as well.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. I never usually have enough people to talk to" He admits and Lily kisses him deeply one last time before checking her watch.

"I gotta go back in, pick me up here at seven, I'll have my sister drop off some stuff for me to wear" She says before turning around and practically dancing back to the diner.

"Bye Kurt" She yells with a cute wave and her ponytail swings behind her as she opens the door and walks back in. Kurt raises his hand to wave but she's already back to her job, her alternate universe.

"Fuck" He murmurs to himself as he walks back to his car, this girl had such a hold on him he literally couldn't believe it.

Kurt wandered around Aberdeen for the next three hours, unsure of what to do with himself while she was at work. When the clock turns to 6:50 he speeds over to the diner, anxious to pick up Lily as soon as possible.

When she sees his car pull up ten minutes early Lily immediately jumps out of the seat she's waiting for him in, having convinced Ruth to let her off half an hour early so she could change and do her makeup in the bathroom.

She had her sister bring over her the coolest outfit she could think of on short notice: a copper colored corduroy skirt and lacey black camisole with doc marten sandals. She had added a little mascara and brownish nude lipstick in between bringing customers their orders, a health code violation but also a necessity for a girl meeting her boyfriend's friends right after work.

"Hey" Lily yells, running out of the restaurant at the same time Kurt gets out of the car to get her and Kurt immediately stops in his tracks.

"H-h-hi" He mutters in a stunned tone, his eyes never leaving her, "You're beautiful"

Lily is taken aback for a minute and then blushes almost immediately after she registers what he'd said.

"Thank you" She murmurs, looking down at her feet and following him to the car, smiling the entire time.

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