Chapter 17

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"Hey can I show you guys something new?" Kurt says to the band. Lily perks up, she had been reading a book in the corner of the barn Nirvana rehearsed in, listening to the band run through songs she'd heard a million times. Even though it seemed like Kurt had a new amazing song for them each week, Lily had never been in the rehearsal space when he was presenting one to the band.

"This is a riff I have" Kurt says, playing it for them and Lily immediately recognizes it as something she'd heard him messing around with for weeks.

She'd loved it since the first time he'd asked her opinion on it; it was powerful and catchy and everything she loved about Kurt's songwriting. As soon as she'd heard it she'd told him to bring it to rehearsal but for some reason he'd been hesitant.

Kurt runs through it again and without a word Dave lays down what could only be described as the perfect drum beat. Lily's mouth drops open as Krist begins adding a bass part.

"That was...that was amazing" She says, unable to stop herself. Normally she never interjected during rehearsals, she didn't want to seem like a Yoko, but when the music sounded this good there was no way she'd let them feel like it was a normal jam.

"You're just saying that because you wanted me to show this to them" Kurt complains.

"No—I mean yeah I knew the riff was something special, but all of you together like made it something else entirely." She explains. For the millionth time in the past few months absolutely stunned by how amazing the next record was going to be.

"What are you going to call it?" Asks Dave from behind the drum set.

"I was thinking 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,'" Kurt says, and Krist winks at Lily. Teen Spirit was the brand of deodorant Lily used and it had become commonplace Kurt and Lily's friends to tease Kurt by telling him he smelled like her deodorant, something both of them found sort of hilarious.

"Aw man Lil I think he must really like you" Krist says sarcastically, reaching over and ruffling her hair.

"I hate to end things during such a good jam but if I'm going to make my flight we should probably leave now" Dave says, checking his watch with a frown.

"Ooh yeah we can't keep the mystery bass player girlfriend waiting" Lily teases, referring to Dave's girlfriend in LA that Lily had never met but the rest of the band seemed to know through the musician grapevine.

"You'll meet her soon Lil, I promise! Quit giving me shit" He groans and she gives him a smile to let him know she was kidding.

"I know Dave. I just want to know who my best bud's dating, have her come visit us next time" She offers, handing him his bag.

"I'm not sure if she's a fan of trying to share a couch, my current bed isn't exactly girlfriend friendly" Dave says and Lily pouts.

"Fine, well at least tell her happy belated Valentine's day from me" Lily says and Krist hits his forehead with his palm as though he'd just remembered something.

"Shit that reminds me, Kurt this is from me and Shelli" He says, handing him a gift bag.

"What did you get him a Valentine's day present?" Lily asks with a laugh and Krist shakes his head.

"No its...wait do you not know?" He says and Lily shakes her head, obviously confused.

"Thanks dude, this is amazing. Tell Shelli thanks for me too." Kurt says, pulling from the bag a book of anatomical photos and not acknowledging Lily's bewilderment.

"Today's Kurt's birthday" Krist says, "How did you not tell her man?" He adds, looking slightly annoyed and also slightly impressed.

"What!?" Lily yells at the same time Dave cries, "Its your birthday man?!"

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