Chapter 22

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"Good morning" Lily says, rolling over and sleepily grinning at Kurt.

"Good afternoon" He replies, looking down at his watch and showing her it was two pm.

"Good day to both of you" Interjects one of their friends, Mikey, who was sleeping on the floor.

Mikey's band was staying with them for a few days because they had run out of money on tour and were stranded in LA. Tonight Nirvana would be playing a show with them so they could make enough money to get home to Washington.

Tonight also marked the last night Nirvana would be spending in their rented apartment in LA. Lily was especially upset because after they got back Dave would be moving to his new place in Seattle, so these were their last few days living together ever again.

"How did you sleep Mikey?" She asks.

"Very well, your floor was an amazing host" He responds sleepily.

"Can all of you shut the fuck up" Groans Dave from the couch and everyone laughs even more.

"Is someone a little sleepy?" Kurt says in a sarcastic tone, reaching over to his bedside table and grabbing the bottle of pills he'd been ingesting like candy the entire trip.

Lily bites her lip. She doesn't want to reprimand him in front of his friends but at the same time she was uncomfortable with this 'wake up, get fucked up' lifestyle Kurt was beginning.

"Kurt why don't we have our coffee first?" She whispers in his ear. He doesn't respond physically or verbally right away, but he does set his pill bottle back on the table without taking one.

Everyone gets up a little bit later and Lily starts making a big pot of coffee for everyone to share while she and some of the guys made breakfast. Because it was their last day there she wanted it to be special for everyone, one last chance to make the house feel like a home.

While Krist fries bacon and they all wait for the muffin's Lily made to cool down, Lily sits on Kurt's lap at the table while everyone trades funny stories from the night before.

She loved seeing how happy Kurt was in moments like this. When he was around his friends he would laugh and laugh, he would be more affectionate with her, he would be more kind in general.

"Hey we should go to the pawn shop today" He says nonchalantly when the conversation dies down.

Everyone gives them a confused look and Lily raises her eyebrows. She knew Kurt what Kurt was probably talking about but they hadn't told anyone they were engaged yet.

"Are you guys selling something?" Asks Krist with a confused grin.

"No we're buying Lil an engagement ring" Kurt replies and everyone collectively sucks in their breath.

"Oh fuck! You two are engaged?" Squeals Shelli a second later. Lily looks at Kurt and nods, grinning the entire time.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you" Shelli tells, jumping up giving both of them a hug.

Krist gets up too, "This is great guys, seriously" He says patting Kurt on the back and kissing Lily on the cheek.

"Congrats you two! I'm so pumped for this fucking sacred union" Dave say giving both of them a hug at once and swinging them around around as he did so. Lily and Kurt both laugh and hug Dave back.

"Thanks man" Kurt says with a huge grin before taking Lily's hand, "Thanks everyone."

"Thanks you guys" Lily adds with a huge smile.

"So Lil, do you know what kind of ring you're going for?" Asks Shelli a few seconds later with an excited glint in her eye.

"Um...uh...a cheap one?" Lily says a few seconds later and everyone laughs.

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