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Hey guys! I'm not sure if any of you guys have read "Heavier Than Heaven" (its a biography of Kurt Cobain) but I used it a lot while writing this book as research-ish. Anyway I thought i'd do an epilogue written as though the author had included a chapter about Kurt's relationship with Lily. It partially was meant to be in the style of the author of the original book, but it was also
just really fun to write!

~ So again, if you're confused about the format, this chapter/epilogue was written as though it's a chapter of Kurt's biography ~ Let me know what you think ❤️

Heavier Than Heaven: Lily Revision

Not long after Tracy, Kurt had someone new to take the place of caretaker: Lily Hopper. If Tracy was Kurt's first attempt at a relationship, Lily was Kurt's first foray into a passionate one. Their time together marked the first, and possibly only, time Kurt truly fell in love as opposed to the person on the other end working hard to make him believe he wanted to be in love with them. Unlike other women Lily didn't need to woo him; according to Kurt himself, it was love at first sight.

Kurt met Lily in Aberdeen of all places, only weeks after he ended his last relationship. He was in town to avoid being in the apartment he still shared with Tracy and stopped into a diner on the outskirts of town for a cup of coffee. As luck would have it Lily was a waitress at this diner and was working a very slow lunch shift when Kurt walked in.

Though they began dating not long after Lily waited on him on that fateful May day, they didn't meet for the first time in 1990. Kurt actually had known Lily most of his life, even if he didn't realize it at first.

Just like Kurt, Lily was an Aberdeen local. She'd spent her whole life up to that point just a half mile from Wendy's house and had gone to the same schools as Kurt, attended the same birthday parties, and was even close friends with Kurt's sister Kim.

Lily, recognized him right away; she'd had a crush on him in high school when they had an art class together. At the time she had been a freshman and he was a senior, so it wasn't exactly surprising he didn't remember her—it was right before he dropped out for good, plus she was so much younger. But when it came to seeing her at the diner, Kurt couldn't believe he didn't remember the girl who was so charming and beautiful and knowledgeable about music (Lily had kicked off their initial conversation by complimenting him on a Sonic Youth t-shirt).

He left the diner that day unable to shake the thought of her. He hadn't made a move but was utterly enamored, and when he ran into her at a party in Olympia a week later he took it as a sign they were meant to be. He made the drive out to Aberdeen that Monday to ask her out.

After that things progressed quickly. They told each other they loved one another after barely a month of dating and within four months Lily had quit her job and moved into Kurt's apartment, taking over the role of paying Kurt's rent for him from Tracy.

For her part Lily wasn't inexperienced when it came to dating a struggling musician. Prior to Kurt she had dated Quinn Johns of the Seattle band Open House, a contemporary of Nirvana's, who broke up with her by stealing her savings and moving to San Francisco. This led to the notoriously acrimonious rapport between the two Seattle mainstays that lasted years after Lily and Kurt's breakup. The relationship between Kurt and Quinn could be best described as a local version of his rivalry with Axl Rose, though not one anyone outside of Seattle really knew about it at the time.

Because of the infamy surrounding her relationship with Quinn, Lily was already known in the music scene. In fact it was a miracle Kurt and Lily never met before given her prominence resulting from her relationship with her ex-boyfriend and his rapidly growing band.

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