Chapter 2

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Another week comes and goes for Lily without another sighting of Kurt at the restaurant. The first few days after he came in she had waited with bated breath whenever a customer walked in, hoping to see the same blue eyes and blonde hair that had greeted her before, but to no avail.

By the end of the week she had come to assume that there was absolutely no way he was still in Aberdeen and had refocused her energy onto seeing her friend Jane during the coming weekend. Jane's semester was ending and Lily would be helping her move out of her dorm for the summer.

Before that however, Lily would spend a few days up there with her, meeting her friends and going to some Olympia parties, which always had a much more interesting crowd than anything happening in Aberdeen.

When she arrives at the dorm a few nights later Jane gives her a huge hug, a kiss on cheek, and then immediately demands she change her outfit.

Lily laughs and looks down at her black stone washed jeans and black tank top, immediately agreeing to Jane's demands.

"Oh my god, Janie you might've out done yourself!" Lily says a few minutes later.

Lily now had on a completely different outfit. Jane had put her in a vintage, high-waisted school uniform skirt and a cropped black sweater, "Do you think it'll be too much?"

Jane raises one eyebrow and shakes her head, "Sweetie you're in Olympia, this outfit is ridiculously understated, it's too calm to even be considered tame" She teases.

"Perfect for me" Lily replies as Jane grabs two shot glasses off of her desk, plus the bottle of tequila she kept hidden behind her books.

"To no more fucking communal showers!" Jane screams and Lily laughs at her enthusiasm, "And to a fucking great night" She adds as an afterthought. The two clink glasses and down their shots before heading out of the dorm to the party, located at an off-campus apartment a few blocks away.

Once they get in they are greeted by the smell of weed and whiskey. Jane waves to people and Lily tags-along with her, waving to the few people she vaguely recognized from previous visits.

"Do you want a drink?" Asks Jane and Lily nods.

"Whiskey and coke?" She requests and Jane nods.

"I'll be right back, stay put" Jane says before disappearing into the crowd.

Lily stands awkwardly in the center of the party, unsure of what to do with herself. She attempts for a few seconds to sway to the really lousy singer-songwriter performing in the front of the room, but she can't bring herself to dance to music this terrible.

Fifteen minutes later, completely out of nowhere, she heard a voice call her name. She turned around and is utterly stunned when she sees Kurt walking towards her from across the room, parting the crowd in his effort to greet her.

"Lily Hopper, what are you doing here?" He asks when he finally reaches her, surprising both her and himself by going in for a hug. The hug is awkward and half-hearted, but only because it is so unexpected by both parties.

"Stalking you Kurt, isn't it obvious?" Lily teases, running her hands through her hair and Kurt feels his breath catch as he watches her hair flow down her back. All the tiniest things about this girl brought on such an extreme reaction in him, he almost regretted coming over because he knew he'd be stuttering like an idiot throughout the entire conversation.

"Why me?" Kurt inquires, going along with the joke by feigning confusion.

"Oh well its standard procedure at the restaurant, we need some way to keep the customers coming back for more" Lily answers with a gentle laugh.

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