Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you to all my readers so far for all of your kind comments and messages and everything in between :)) I say this at the beginning of every fic but this story is one of the things I've written that I am the most proud of and I'm so glad that you guys are responding so strongly and so quickly!! Love you all so much !!!!

A week or so after they went to the party at Dylan's, Lily made up an excuse to borrow her parents car and made the drive out to Olympia to celebrate Tracy moving out of the apartment.

The plan was to go to a few parties in Olympia and then come back home and christen Kurt's new "bachelor" pad.

"Hey" Lily calls as she lets herself into the apartment, "I like what you've done with the place" She adds sarcastically, noticing there was more garbage and junk on the floor than there had been since the last time she was there, even though someone else had moved out since then.

"Welcome home honey" Kurt says, equally as sarcastically, stepping over a pile of art supplies to give her a kiss hello.

"What have you done today?" She asks, trying not to sound too judgmental as she looked over the apartment one more time.

"Watched MTV, they just got a new Madonna video" He says with a smirk.

"Well they do love to keep their rotation fresh" Lily teases, running her fingers through his hair.

"Hey Kurt," She says gently and he looks up at her curiously, "Do you mind if I pick up, just a little bit. Please" She practically begs and he rolls his eyes.

"No mom, I'm doing fine" He sighs but Lily hears a hint of a smile in his voice, "It's the first time I've lived alone ever, let me be messy for a week"

"Alright" She says simply, dropping the subject as quickly as she had brought it up. That was one of the many things Kurt loved about her...sure she sometimes tried to take care of him like Tracy had, but she also knew when to stop and step back. She still treated him like an adult when he voiced his opinion.

He reaches out and puts his hand in Lily's, without saying a word he is telling her he appreciates that she didn't push him. She grins down at him, understanding exactly what he was trying to communicate.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks a few seconds later and she nods, the smile not leaving her face for a moment.

"I love you" He says, just as they're heading out the door and she looks at him adoringly. She loved that they could say this too each other so casually now, even though they'd both admitted at this point they'd both known they'd loved each other since the moment they'd laid eyes on each other in the diner.

"I love you too" She replies easily, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"And because I love you, I promise you can clean the apartment as much as you want after we get back tonight" He adds, knowing they'll both be exhausted and probably drunk by the time they get home to do anything but have sex and fall asleep.

"Wow, Donna Reed would be so proud of us!" She teases and he rolls his eyes at her.

They walk hand in hand to a new Mexican restaurant downtown Olympia where they were meeting Krist and Shelli, as well as some of Olympia scene mutual friends like Slim Moon and Calvin Johnson.

Kurt found it fascinating that both he and Lily had run so closely in the same circles and had been from the same town and never met at parties. Though they'd realized they'd probably been at the same parties or shows at the same times, probably to see the same people, they'd never been introduced.

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