All Hail the Great and Powerful Nico!

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I set Nico down and pretended to be dead. I let all my limbs go loose and fell down on my back in the sand. I stuck my tongue out and kept my eyes closed tightly. I didn't hear or feel anything and so I opened one eye just in time to see Nico hurtling towards me at full speed and he had pulled his sword. I screamed bloody murder and curled up into a little ball. I felt a light powdering of dust hit me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was covered in yellow dust.

"I just saved your life Solace."
"Wait what?"
"There was a monster on the other side of you. I killed it."
"Ohhh. I am forever grateful. I shall serve thee until I save your life or I have died in doing so."
"Please don't-"

I was now on the ground at his feet when I saw someone run across and join me in my chant I stopped and noticed that it was Bella. I shouldn't be jealous of her because Nico is mine but I can't help it. I was still unsure as to whether he liked just guys or both guys an girls so I try to be cautious. She can't just march in here and join me in hailing the great and powerful Nico. She must earn her way into my friendship and trust. I stood up and she stopped, looking really happy with herself. I smiled back and offered a hand up. Nico just stood there looking nervous. I whispered to him and asked if she knew and he shook his head no. Of course! Why would Nico tell his new friend that? It would totally freak her out so instead I just picked up Nico in a fireman's carry and Nico kicked and hit my back but I wouldn't put him down. He went limp and I asked Bella if she would like to try and she politely agreed I hefted her up onto my back and staggered but managed to keep my footing. Yeesh these Italians and their heavy bones. I tromped across the beach until I reached the board walk. I set Bella down gently and let Nico try and get off himself. It was hilarious. He would squirm around until he was sure that he would land safely then he would slide down, accidentally pulling his shirt up a little. He would then proceed to land on his butt on the ground and I would offer my hand to help him up. He would take it and once standing would straighten out his shirt by tugging it down at the edges and then he would blow his hair to the side if it had gotten in his face. He bit his lip and checked his pockets to make sure nothing had fallen out. It was adorable. I think I might be infatuated with him.

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