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I was getting suffocated by Will's stifling hug when I heard the lock mechanism click. The door swung open and suddenly I could breathe again. It took me a few moments but I finally glanced over at what Will was doing. I had been so anxious to breathe that I had just assumed Will had stopped because someone walked in. That was the reason that he stopped but also to do something that I never imagined that a son of Apollo would do. Will was strangling the newcomer. I jumped out of the bed and attempted to pull them apart. I had no clue who this person was but Will obviously hated her. I was able to pry his hands off of her neck and yank him away from his victim. I pushed him into the bed. "WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IN HADES NAME IS GOING ON HERE?" Will shrunk back and glared at the girl who's thin lips had turned into a smirk of triumph. Blonde hair tumbled down her shoulders only to stop just above her waist. She was short and as skinny as a stick. She might have even beat me at being thin. She was wearing a camp shirt and was wearing the shortest shorts I had ever seen. She was a sickly pale yet nowhere near my level of paleness. She had wide pale green eyes that made shivers run down your spine. Her neck had red handprints on it from Will's previous attempt on her life. She looked at me and uttered a few curses at Will. She then turned to me and gave me a phony smile. "Glad to see that you're awake" we're the only words she uttered before strutting out of the room like a model on the runway. I clutched my head as I received a massive headache. I flopped back onto the bed and Will hooked me back up to all of the machines. I lay staring at the ceiling as we talked. "Will?"
"Yes?" he responded tersely
"Who was that?"
"Cynthia Reeve"
"Godly Parent?"
"Why'd you try to strangle her?"
"She's a traitor"
"What did she do?"
"Hurt you"
"What happened?"
"She was a new recruit before you passed out during capture the flag she acted like she knew everything about spears."
"Did she?"
"No. I advised against it but they gave her a spear anyways"
"Well that wasn't smart"
"She was actually pretty good for a newbie. She was able to hit still targets from about twenty feet away. When we started the game she was set on guard duty. She decided that she didn't want to be a guard, costing us the game."
"Selfish of her"
"Very. She went off and explored the forests. She went out side of the camp boundaries and came across groups of monsters. My theory is that the monsters recruited her to kill off powerful demigods one by one. I think that the monsters are going to try and exact revenge for the whole slaying Gaea thing."
"You do realize how crazy that sounds right?"
"But it makes sense!"
"In what universe does that make sense?"
"This one! The first thing she does when she wanders back inside camp boundaries is throw her spear at you!"
I lay in shock that a fellow demigod would try to kill me. But I should have seen it coming. These people can't be trusted. No one can. Then I mull things over a little and find all of the kinks in Will's story.
"She could've mistaken me for a monster."
"But she didn't. She saw it was you and threw her spear. Luckily it missed all vital organs."
"Wait. How do you know all of this? Were you stalking her or something?" I joked. Will just sheepishly looked away. "You followed her?!?"
"I might have"
"I didn't trust her so I may have just kept a very close watch on every move she made"
"You idiot"
"Hey! I am mildly offended!"
"You okay?"
"You just told me about a spear wound that I don't remember getting. Of course. I'm just peachy"
He rushed to my side and I heard his southern accent thicken when he spoke. "You know that I hate it when you use sarcasm. Stop being so cynical. Can I take a look?"
I squirmed at how cold his hands were and then gaped at the ragged circle that was so well stitched that I could only see the faint scar. He seemed satisfied on its healing process and went back over to look at the monitors. Excruciating pain shot though my head as some of my memory started coming back. I started to remember the capture the flag game but my brain almost refused to recall the rest of the memory. I slumped back against the bed in defeat. I decided I needed rest. Will hopped in the bed next to me on top of the covers after turning off the lights and we both got some sleep.

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